They have Guy Fawkes (Bonfire Night) in England... November 5th... Big Bonfire... Not a solstice though!
I just checked my weather network for the second time today and all of a sudden we're getting snow for the next 2 weeks! Sigh... I just planted peas out in my raised beds.
You guys soak your peas? :idunno I didn't last year, just pretty much threw them in the ground lol. We had so much snow I didn't think anything would sprout so I tilled the old plot garden under, and in April I had peas sprouting all over the place. I had to rehome them to the trellis LOL.
:idunno I don't understand the treated vegetables... I get potatoes at Costco and they always sprout in a couple weeks when kept under the stairs in the little pantry.
Oh my gosh, I have to get photos tomorrow because I noticed today my daffodil bulbs are sticking green out of the ground. How exciting! Even the ones around the ugly hydro pole!
lol I think we're doing sweet potato fries and BBQ pork chops... hmm... or maybe burgers... with homemade buns...
Darn, now I'm going to have to weigh the awesomeness of each meal I think of. Definitely green beer though ;)
I hate mowing grass, with a firey passion lol, so I'm slowly trying to rid the front yard of all grass. I've convinced my mum we need to put in 4 - 4ftx4ft raised beds for strawberries. One bed per person in our family. That'll eat about a lot of grass space, and leave me some tiny strips to mow...
I can't wait to have something to show. I have pickling cucumber plants sprouting upstairs, unfortunately the cat ate the potted blueberry bush and its now dying slowly. He has a ... green tooth? He likes to eat all and any vegetation, he even killed the cat grass and catnip.
I've been told I need to join in ;)
We're on 8.38 acres with horses, goats, chickens, and ducks so I have lots of free manure. A lot of the wood I've been using for my raised beds is actually meant for a run-in shelter for one of my horses but the snow and nasty winter weather put a stop to...
I decided to kind of keep a journal for our SFG/Raised Bed garden this year. From construction of the raised beds to harvest, and everything in between.
March 15th 2010
Kevin helped me put in the 2 pea beds this afternoon and we filled them up. They could both do with some more 'Mel's Mix'...
Just echoing what Pat has said, and adding a bit more.
You could look at the SFG book, the "All New" one. He uses 1/3 Peat Moss, 1/3 Vermiculite (use Perlite if you can't get vermiculite), 1/3 5-way compost. It amounts in the end to something of a potting mix, just a lot cheaper. He starts at...
I have one "raised bed" the front garden. This is it last year before it was really planted out. As you can see, all that is actually in it at that point was some strawberries lol. It looked nice, and no one complained about it. This year the big front bed is getting planted out with pickling...
I too tried to convince my mum we should put some raised beds in the front yard, it's north facing but for the cooler weather crops it'd be good in the height of summer when the house shadows it at the hottest part of the day.
She was not impressed. Needless to say, our garden will be...
Last night I started:
Pacino Sunflowers
Enormous Sunflowers (I think they're called Russian...)
and today going in is:
Lupins, they can take almost 30 days to germinate! No wonder they're so expensive as started plants lol.
When I put my eating potatoes (from costco lol, they're Russets) in our under the stairs cabinet, its usually like 2 weeks before they sprout the white tubers...
Eeep, I'm planning on trying some of them this year in the garden.