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  1. L

    Garden pictures

    Lookin' good!
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    Allotment Project for uni

    Hattie The Hen has a thread on here if you search that is *all* about allotments in the UK :)
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    Who else SFGardens?

    Woohoo. I'll be taking photos as well, my horse poop serves as amazing mulch after the winter as the horses chop it all up over the winter. I use it as compost after the winter from the field because it's spent the entire winter heating up in the pasture, and in the fall as mulch.
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    Who else SFGardens?

    I'm diggin' it (lol) lately, anyone else SFGarden who can post photos of your garden? I love Gardenspiration! Any neat ideas for trellis', layout, etc?
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    Just a thought, but what about women and children makes them not farmers? I mean... who says men can only be farmers? Jus' Sayin'
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    Corn Spacing

    Polytunnel until the weather is warm enough to take it off. I did it last year for other plants, and the plastic came off in June because our spring was atrocious, bu this year it's been warmer earlier.
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    Corn Spacing

    I know that, but I'm looking at planting under a polytunnel. Ie. greenhouse on top of my raised bed. My raised beds keep their heat really super awesome, even right now. Last year I started my tomatoes in like April!
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    How much of each veggie should I plant?

    Multiplier onions go nuts. I had lots of Green onions last year :)
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    Corn Spacing

    I'm not concerned about walking between them. This little experiment will be in a 4ft x 4ft raised bed.
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    ~ WORLDWIDE Vegetable Allotments ~ REVIVAL of last years thread ~

    Oh Hattie you're a young thing! You remind me so much of my Auntie Jean, she's around the same age as my nan but she's so full of life, she's positively hilarious. When I was a kid my cousins had 2 goats and named one after my Auntie, who is their Nan and they called her Nanna Jean. Auntie Jean...
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    Corn Spacing

    haha, for the last two years it has been cow corn in the field behind my house. the deer are too busy munching on his corn to bother with my garden ;)
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    Dormant Spraying

    I actually just took a look at the box and it says when it is above 5 C during the day, spray early in the morning... Tomorrow would be a great day to spray lol. It's supposed to be 10 degrees, and if it is warm enough in the morning I might spray, and the spray later on in the month as well...
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    Corn Spacing

    Thanks vfem, I am trying to get them in way earlier than my farmer-neighbour would. I don't really want my corn tasting like cow corn lol.
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    Corn Spacing

    Thanks a bunch! I have some small 4f x 4ft beds that I'm using for tomatoes, but I figured why not build an extra one and try out some corn in it. I'd love to know if I can start them earlier than the farmers. I'm confident this'll work.
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    Corn Spacing

    Farmers don't seed out until June-ish as far as I know.. My neighbour is a dairy cow farmer and has corn behind our house and I swear the rows are maybe 4" apart... I could even go measure today! I know theres no way in the height of summer that someone could walk between the rows, I think with...
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I just started .. 9 Pickling Cukes 9 Sweet Pumpkins (the kind for pie making!) Off to put together some raised beds!
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    How much of each veggie should I plant?

    I *always* buy my tomatoes in store because I don't have the money for a nice big light or the space to keep lots of seedlings started indoors. Much easier, and I usually buy them as soon as they're available in store. Last year I bought from Home Depot and they had these ones with nifty...
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    Corn Spacing

    I've not had much success with corn in the past but this year I'm trying out an experiment, planting it in a 4x4ft raised bed, polytunneled, so I can plant it earlier than normal. I'm just wondering how far apart I should space my corn? I'm thinking about planting some peaches 'n' cream.
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    Dormant Spraying

    I need to Dormant Spray my fruit trees, and so I bought a Dormant Spray kit. On the box it says you need to spray just before the buds turn green on your fruit trees, on a low-wind, warm day. Now the buds on my fruit trees aren't green, but the buds on my lilac bush are... so on a nice warm...
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I just planted some Homestead peas and a coneflower indoors. I might start some herbs soon too, I have the daylight lamp upstairs and the pots sitting in a sunny south facing window :) I like to start a few peas indoors so I can plant them right out when the bed is ready and we have some...