IDK, there is a mennonite family near me that makes money from selling their produce, eggs, and special order hard candies... That is their main business, and they don't use bagged fertilizer. I've seen them spread their fields, like every other farmer out here. My neighbour was muck spreading...
But at least your garden will smell lovely every time you roll over your lawn of mint with the lawn mower?
Has anyone specifically used it as ground cover? I have a stoney area on one side of my picket fence (driveway side) that I need to cover in something that doesn't need mowing...
I used duck pool water all last year on my vegetables. My tomatoes were almost as big as me! I planted them in April too, so everyone who came by to buy eggs was shocked to see they were like 5ft tall!
It is a little irritating, but the snow has melted off a lot in the last few days and there is hardly any left. The pea bed is made from a 2x6 and the snow is only about halfway up now.
I use the spent hay from the goat shed, the goats have pooped all over it and its great. I'll get the...
Oh me too Boggy! I've been busy the last couple days getting raised beds ready. We have such a weed problem here, our soil is very fertile because the area I have as a garden used to be a cattle sacrifice area and was so for about 80 years up until 60 years ago. Sometimes I find bits of old wire...
Wow you guys have been super busy with the allotment blogs and the like since I was last here. I just started with my own raised beds in our garden, not an allotment, but shh ;)
I like seeing how everyone sets up their raised beds, and the like. Its something for me to look at and get an idea...
When I was a child my mum had a fanastic flower garden. We described it as "organized chaos" and her secret was horse manure from the stable I rode at. It ranged from very composted to not so composted to fresh. We had tulips well into the fall!
I found a bunch of 2 by rough sawn pine down in my barn so this year I've begun making raised beds for the garden rather than taking another stab at plot gardening. Weeds seem to congregate on our property, so the use of raised beds and a lot of elbow grease should decrease the weed load we get...
You could also do something like this...
That is one of my raised beds getting ready for the spring, I've got my polytunnel frame up (its pvc pipes that are slotted into pvc pipe sections i've attached to the box using metal plumbers tape). Instead of covering it with plastic like I have...
lol sounds like my hens.. they started hopping the fence shortly into their start in the coop (my easter eggers that is). to keep them occupied we started throwing the clumps of soil from digging garden beds into the run for them to pick at.
And ;) I let them scratch up and attack the used goat...
Our snow on the driveway and gardens is melting super fast. There was a woodpecker on the big dead tree by the garage this afternoon, and it was so nice out! When I start to see the mud, I know that spring is a comin' LOL..If not here already.
:D I know how you feel! It's 8 degrees celcius out today, GORGEOUS sunny day! The horses are munching on hay, the ducks and chickens are foraging, the goats are a goating..
The only thing that is ruining this gorgeous early spring day is the snow on the ground and the mud I'm starting to see in...
Awesome vfem! I, too, don't want to waste space in my raised beds since I'm going to be having only 12 raised beds and a small variety of vegetables (mostly things like lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, beans, peas, and raspberries). I can run the buckets down one side of my garden, so I could...
:idunno Last year I just picked up Toms at Canadian Tire because I couldn't get any toms to sprout annoyingly, since it was always too dark in my windows. I got a random assortment of Beefsteaks, and Roma tomatoes and we had way too many tomatoes! Yikes!
I have some of those big home depot mixing buckets, the white ones with the orange home depot name on the side that they have in the paint section. I think they're 5 gallons, but I couldn't say for sure.
I know people have planted their taters in buckets, and I'd like to do that this year to...
This makes me kind of excited. I have an old glass french door, and several old old old glass windows that were in our barn, and will have some from the house soon too.
I suppose I could make a pitch roofed little greenhouse with windows and sun tuff or something for the roof..
I'm a little poor right now lol and I'd like to start some of the seeds I have hanging around. I'm not sure if there is any way I can do it, but this is what I have on hand..
Pretty well composted Duck manure
Really composted cow manure (If I can dig it out of the compost pile)