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  1. usschicago1

    Mystery plant needs an ID

    Maybe Bittersweet?
  2. usschicago1

    I have tomatoes! *Updated with garden pictures!

    Everything Looks Good! I cant wait for out of the garden tomatoes :coolsun !
  3. usschicago1

    Pics of asparagus, etc.

    :drool Looks Good!! :lol::rainbow-sun
  4. usschicago1

    MY hot Compost Pile!

    Hahaha That is cool ! HOT
  5. usschicago1

    Irises (PIX)

    :drool Those are beautiful!
  6. usschicago1

    Veggie Photo Time!

    Wow Nice Photos Everyone. I got some basil seeds in, ill get pictures when there older :bee
  7. usschicago1

    Spearment seeds

    GREAT Idea! Thanks!
  8. usschicago1

    Guess the Columbine Color! (Contest)

    There so Pretty :drool Thanks Vfem
  9. usschicago1

    Guess the Columbine Color! (Contest)

    Im surprised no-one else if voting :D
  10. usschicago1

    Spearment seeds

    Thanks Everyone...No Im not from Chicago :/ My Grandfarther Was on the Ship Uss Chicago In the Navy and Im proud of that name... So basically it sounds like even if someone had seeds i should get a root section... I Guess ill keep having to look at stores for plants since i dont know anyone...
  11. usschicago1

    Spearment seeds

    Anyone have any spearmint seeds for sale? Id like to Plant some around my coop and my window-sill. Ill pay for them of course :) Also if you have any peppermint too ill take a seed or two of that ! Hope someone has it :/ Mark P.S. I want Real Spearmint according to a lot of online sits the...
  12. usschicago1

    First Ripening Strawberry!! (PIX)

    :weee Looks good :bee
  13. usschicago1

    Nasturshim Violet Salad (Pix)

    :rose Wow that does look good :thumbsup
  14. usschicago1

    Any idea what these critters are ??

    Ive heard of these...There birds nest muchrooms... The come in all diffrent forms, your look completly diffrent from this one..but i think its because its just a diffrent sub species or whatever. Marm
  15. usschicago1

    My mom totally gets me...

    Moms are great :throw
  16. usschicago1

    Favorite Housplant....Dying (pictures)

    Thanks ! Nothing seems to be moving, but from the picture on the site they seem to small to see. ill give it a good rinse tomorrow! Thank you SO MUCH! -Mark
  17. usschicago1

    I need to harvest 7 million calories!

    Good Luck! Thats Very Interesting! (: