Thanks Everyone...No Im not from Chicago :/ My Grandfarther Was on the Ship Uss Chicago In the Navy and Im proud of that name...
So basically it sounds like even if someone had seeds i should get a root section...
I Guess ill keep having to look at stores for plants since i dont know anyone...
Anyone have any spearmint seeds for sale? Id like to Plant some around my coop and my window-sill. Ill pay for them of course :)
Also if you have any peppermint too ill take a seed or two of that !
Hope someone has it :/
I want Real Spearmint according to a lot of online sits the...
Ive heard of these...There birds nest muchrooms... The come in all diffrent forms, your look completly diffrent from this one..but i think its because its just a diffrent sub species or whatever.
Thanks ! Nothing seems to be moving, but from the picture on the site they seem to small to see. ill give it a good rinse tomorrow! Thank you SO MUCH!