Ok first of all thanks everyone who helps with my cactus. It was a new stem and its coming up pretty good.
But My favorite housplant (idk name) has lost ALOT of leaves. I use those bulbs you stick in the soil that you see on tv. I have lost about 100 leaves on it. And they all have a WHITE...
UPDATE: Injunjoe was spot on! Wow is so cool. It is growing up so i guess it will branch out? It is growing out a stalk. Sorry i was supposed to post a pic & i keep forgetting :smack but i will. Its really cool though. Thanks every1!
Thanks so much! I have a pot indoors and out. But the indoor one is the one doing this and the one i care about. I watered today, and i guess thats all the watering ill do for a few weeks.. I will just let everything take its course and hope for the best !Ill keep you guys updated...
Okay, there is this super nice lady down the street who knows how much i like her prickly pear cactus that grows all around her house. About mid october she have me an entire back full (of cuttings) so i put them all around my chicken coop. They should root spring. But i put some more in a huge...
I have enjoyed this thread alot! Thank-you for posting.
You make it seem so easy! When i store-bye things they grow great! I have a cactus from when i was 6. But when i try cuttings like you have they either never root or grow extremly lanky and fall over. This makes me want to try again :throw
Thanks! What i am using now Is the webcam attached to my computer and of course It doesnt have flash or quality pictures to begin with. But i have a new camra coming soon! And i will post pictures of the plant then (;
i Know my pics are HORRIBLE! Im getting a new digital camra this saturday so they will be proffesional quality compared to these.
Ill try to get a better one tommorow. Its dark here;D
So I did what the fist post said. And The plant was doing awful. My parents have an awful Black thumb (mines super Green)LOL. But there was like mold in the soil all the roots were black. Only like a couple white roots per plant. So i took the new little plants and cut them off of the big...
It has the stalk as the bottom One ( A Little THicker) and the leaves are the same shap as the top one but There just green (like medium colored green)
Ok First Of all I love housplant. I've Really Never Had trouble with them. The longer one Is doing awful, its New leaves are dead before maturation. There are two baby ones coming up and I wonder can i just take out the two large ones and keep the babies withough killing them!
Ok My grandmother smokes and my papa asked me to find a natural herb to help her stop smoking. * i guess an herb to eat*? They have an herb for anything, so i dont see why not. Has anyone ever used a plant for this? Thanks