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  1. warmfuzzies


    Aaaaah finally got my ground done today! Now, the peas and the potatoes will be the first things going in the ground. Hopefully early next week. I never soak mine. I noticed that mine are treated (I wasn't thrilled, but oh well. ) Do you want to soak treated ones or just stick them in...
  2. warmfuzzies

    Hardening Off

    I took your advice this year after my trouble last spring, and I have to say you are RIGHT on the money! i have the most beautiful stocky tomatoes and peppers right now! They are growing like crazy, but they arent leggy at all. THANK YOU!!! :) Oh, I have only three because my other clamp...
  3. warmfuzzies

    free seed packet...

    I started 6 or 7 different kinds of tomatoes from Baker Creek and they all had to be transplanted at two weeks because they were 5-6 inches tall. Not leggy, either they are beautiful plants! Most of them are getting their third or fourth sets of true leaves already. I am in shock over the...
  4. warmfuzzies

    Need someone reliable to buy hierloom seeds

    :thumbsup yes, they are great. They had very great customer service, and out of the tomatoes I planted last week, so far I am getting about 90% germination. I would not recommend Pinetree seeds. I ordered from them and they had aweful germination. I know it was their seeds because all of...
  5. warmfuzzies

    When do seedlings need to be transplanted?

    I transplanted tomatoes and peppers last year right into the garden in the pellets. The tomatoes were just getting their second set of leaves. They did great I had one pepper die and it was killed by trampling chicken feet :lol: . I planted 8 tomatoes and 6 peppers in all. Now don't ask...
  6. warmfuzzies

    When to plant reseeding flowers

    I am wondering if you have to wait untill after the last frost to plant flowers that reseed themselves? If they can reseed, can't you plant them anytime during the spring and they will come up when it is safe? Or do they need to go through the winter to become dormant so they don't come up...
  7. warmfuzzies

    Tomato Mania

    Actually someone (isnt that nice, now I can't remember who :lol: ) sat down on the steps to the Capitol and ate a whole tomatoe. It drew a huge crowd because they thought he was crazy. Needless to say, he didn't die. I guess the mayans and south americans have been eating them for thousands...
  8. warmfuzzies

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Well we had a cold snap yesterday but it was 70 on thursday so I put in a new flower bed. I am planning on putting birdfeeders, a bridbath and reseeding annuals out there. Poppies, some wildflowers my sister gave me (she said they are invasive. Thats good :) ), Prairie Coneflower, and some...
  9. warmfuzzies

    Tomato Mania

    I think I have 8 kinds... I am not sure. This is new for me, last year I had all one kind except one cherry tomato for my DH and DS. I was buying seeds from Baker creek and there is no way to pick out just one! Or two or three...... :lol:
  10. warmfuzzies


    I should be but I am waiting on my farmers to disk the garden. Still. They had tractor issues and now it is too wet (again). I am not complaining though! We have a lot of moisture in the ground, it is so nice!
  11. warmfuzzies

    Should I use jiffy pellets or pots?

    I used jiffy pellets last year, with mixed success. They were easy, but they seemed to have a lot of damping off, which may have been my fault not theirs. :) I am wondering if it would be better to go with pots and potting soil. I think the jiffy pellets are cheaper, but I am not sure how it...
  12. warmfuzzies

    Which is best for seed saving?

    Baker Creek Seeds is the only one I know of that test all of their seeds for GMO's. They don't have a huge variety of corn, but that is where you will find the biggest risk factor in the GMO's from neighboring (or far away) fields traveling to their seed crop and contaminating it. They say...
  13. warmfuzzies

    What are you planning for Spring?

    Well, I managed to get out of the Baker Creek website yesterday with ONLY a $90 order. :hide woops, diddn't see that one coming. But there were SO MANY yummy things there! How can you pick just one tomato or melon out of that catalog, I ask you?? :drool So I ordered 6 kinds of tomatoes, 5...
  14. warmfuzzies

    The Community Garden Project - The Easy Garden Community WEIGHS In!

    This sounds fun! I started to keep track last year, but got overwhelmed and I gave up :D a spreadsheet would really help. I will be doubling my garden, to over 1,500 square feet. It will be fun, but a lot of work. I am also going to rows this year instead of trying to do raised beds with...
  15. warmfuzzies

    Is food cheaper to grow?

    That depends on whether you have a pond in your backyard or not. :lol: By that I mean, it may be cheaper for you to buy then grow, but it may not for sometone else. I live in the heart of farmland, but we only have one farmers market within an hours driving time, and it is still 20 minutes...
  16. warmfuzzies

    Weather Where You Are

    I know this has been such a COLD winter hasn't it? Last night is got down to -8 here, the windchill was -24. :lol: but my sister in MN said they had windchills of -40 to -60. Hopefully we can skip the March blizzard this year, that really messed up the gardening plans last year. :/
  17. warmfuzzies

    How do I prune an ancient lilac?

    Ok thanks guys! That sounds managable. :lol: And, yes, all I have are ancient pruning shears, so I am sure that is what I will be using. :P
  18. warmfuzzies

    How do I prune an ancient lilac?

    We live in a rental house in the country, that is over 100 years old. There is a lilac and a BUNCH of overgrown snowberries (I think). The lilac bloomed beautifully last year, and is still smaller then some I have seen, it is about 8 feet tall and around. It looks really straggly to me, and I...
  19. warmfuzzies


    I have never tried them either, but I sure look at them every year and want to. :lol: Oh, to own my own land.......
  20. warmfuzzies

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    Oh, and Seeds of Change is organic, and a kindof expensive, but they are closer to you, they are based in New Mexico.