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  1. warmfuzzies

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Hattie, I got the brooder mix from a seed swap at BYC. But it is from Sandhill Preservation. If you go to their website they have info on the sprin gand fall brooder mixes. They list some of what is in it. I dont know if you can get it over there, but you could get a good idea of what is...
  2. warmfuzzies

    Naked Gardening day?!

    Its HOT here today! I could go for nekkid gardening!! :coolsun
  3. warmfuzzies

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Wow! I still have so much to do! Here is what I would like to get planted this week: Tomatoes Beans More lettuce More carrots corn 5 kinds of winter squash 3 kinds of summer squash 4 kinds of melons zinnias, cosmos, and mexican sunflowers in a cutting bed marigolds Nasturniums New Zealand...
  4. warmfuzzies

    Anyone ever grow fenugreek?

    I just got my fenugreek seeds, and they dont say if they are annual or perrenial, and I am not sure where to plant them. ANyone ever grow it?
  5. warmfuzzies

    How long does it take for potatoes plants to show through the planting

    I think I planted mine in the first or second week on April and I am just now seeing them today. And they havnt all come up yet.
  6. warmfuzzies

    How is your garden doing so far?

    I have potatoes coming up! I am very excited, this is my first time growing potatoes. I am also growing peas for the first time. I was outside planting onion sets and some flowers, but it is SO hot today, I thought I would go back out tonight and try it when it is cooler. I am also going to...
  7. warmfuzzies

    How do you eat chard?

    I have heard you can eat it fresh. I thought it was kind of bitter, but they were big leaves. Maybe if you pick them small they would be better. I cooked it like spinach. It was SOOO good! And it turns a emerald green color, very dark and rich, not ugly and brown like spinach. I also...
  8. warmfuzzies

    How is your garden doing so far?

    I planted 6 tomato seedlings out yesterday, and we are supposed to have cloudy weather all weekend. THat is a rare thing in Colorado, so I am going out now to set out more seedlings. If I can ever get off of BYC and TEG. :lol: Edited because "tomato" does not have an "e" in it.... Unless...
  9. warmfuzzies

    What should I do with all the excess bunny poop?

    I am so excited to read this! So I will compost the chicken poop and put the rabbit poop on now. :weee Who would ever have thought we would all get excited over a bunch of poo??? :lau
  10. warmfuzzies

    What is your favorite gardening method, and why? Add pictures!

    Wifezilla, my 3 year old DS says "Mom, those look so beautifull!" about your snapdragons. I diddnt know they were that easy to grow, I love them! And I love this new term. subtractive gardening. Any more plant ideas for it, anyone?? I am learning alot!
  11. warmfuzzies

    What is your favorite gardening method, and why? Add pictures!

    Great Idea Wifezilla! I am planting poppies, globe thistle, blanket flower.... DH says I am planting WEEDS. I say, maybe that way they will survive me!! :lol:
  12. warmfuzzies


    I also found a lot of books about it in our library. I am in Southeast CO, And I know exacly what you mean. In fact my Mom says it is impossible to have flowers here. I am setting out to prove her wrong, but so far, havenot been able to. :)
  13. warmfuzzies

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I am hoping to set out my tomatoes, peppers and zucchinis ( I know that is not spelled right...brain fart....) today. It is overcast and cool. But I may not get around to it, it is so much nicer to stay inside, :lol:
  14. warmfuzzies

    Cucumbers and a question about corn

    AAAHHHHH Tha makes more sense..... I read that and have always thought that sounded like a lot. I read it when I was reading about saving rain water from your roof.
  15. warmfuzzies

    Cucumbers and a question about corn

    Becasue corn is a CROP not a veggie, so you plant it outside in LONG rows, and then you harvest it with a combine..... lol I have a farming hubby too, and he always asks why I over-think this stuff so much.
  16. warmfuzzies

    Cucumbers and a question about corn

    The problem with watering every day is the roots will not grow deep. You want to water deeply, and then wait, and then water deeply again. Especially with corn, which tends to have shallow roots anyway, and is so tall, you want to encourage those roots to go as deeply as possible to anchor...
  17. warmfuzzies

    What is your favorite gardening method, and why? Add pictures!

    I am going to try zinnias, cosmos, marigolds and mexican sunflowers. I am SOOOOO hoping I can do it... i tend to over-think things, so I am trying not to think about it. :lol:
  18. warmfuzzies

    What are your favorite unusual fruits or veggies?

    I have jelly melons gowing nicely in pots! I am :fl they make it after transplanting, they will be so cool! And I LOVE the Bakers Creek catalog, everything in it just has me drooling. :lol:
  19. warmfuzzies

    What is your favorite gardening method, and why? Add pictures!

    Wow! There are sure a lot of different ways people like to do things! I love to see all the pictures. Mine is a work in progress right now, I am working on beds. I am digging them as I go, since its so much work. I am doing 4 ft x as-far-as-I-can-go-before-I-run-into-the-field-ditch. :lol...