Search results

  1. warmfuzzies

    What is the Best Starter Pot for Seedlings?

    What about the jiffy pellets? I got a bunch real cheap, and decided that they were cheaper then the peat pots + soil. They are smaller then I imagined, but I think as late in the year as it is, they will be fine. They are not much smaller then the 6 packs they sell flowers and veggies in at...
  2. warmfuzzies

    What about dogs?

    The fencing really isnt an option... our dogs are loose, and they keep our animals safe. And we cant fence the flowerbed any better then it is, because they are little beds. The rocks are probably the next thing I will try... i like that look too. Has anyone used the bitter apple spray, or...
  3. warmfuzzies

    My strawberries are growing... can I plant them early?

    I dont know much about strawberry crowns. I have had mine for about two weeks, and I wrapped them in moist paper towels, and put them back in the bag, per the directions. Now, I checked on them today, and they have beautifull green leaves growing out of them! :hu Our last frost date is around...
  4. warmfuzzies

    What about dogs?

    I have trouble with our two dogs laying in the flower beds, on the cool soil. I havnt planted them yet, and I am going to do mostly annuals from seed. Is there anything I can use to make the dogs want to sleep elsewhere? I am thinking something like a homemade repellent or something. I...
  5. warmfuzzies

    What have you bought so far? Post your lists here!

    I have a HUGE order I am waiting on from pinetree. I am so excited! I have never got this serious about buying what I want before, i always just get what they have at wal-mart. :celebrate I also ordered a bunch of potatoes and 50 strawberries. And sweet potatoes and jerusalem artichokes...
  6. warmfuzzies

    Any interest? Trumpet vine seeds

    I have a bunch with the chaff, I saved them last year. I have no idea why, I have them popping up everywhere... It is a red one, and anyone who wants seeds can have them, I will trade for whatever you have. I prefer veggie seeds, but whatever you have will be fine. I have quite a few of these.
  7. warmfuzzies

    Lasagna, no dig, weedless, gardening?

    First post! I came over from BYC. OK, I thought this sounded neat, has anyone else done it? From my understanding they are all pretty much the same thing. But I wondered if it worked, and if it is easier then tilling. I normally grow in beds anyway. Hubby thought it sounded harder to do...