I have used one or two in jars of jalapenos when i pickled them but this yr I planted 4 plants of each and I don't do hot peppers. Last yr I strung them and let them dry and we still have not used them, and now I have a bunch coming out of the garden.
I finally got through with it. I got 9 pints out of what I had cooking. I could not find the Seville Oranges so I used little Clementines. It sure tasted good, I hope it sets up like it's suppose to. Here are a few pics of my efforts.
Tomatoes, My freezer is full of them. I told My DH today I am going to have to get another freezer so we can use it for meat. My patio table is full of tomatoes and I'll probably pull more tomorrow.
My husband has a pair of heat resistant gloves that he uses when he is using the turkey fryer, I use them to put in and remove the jars from the caner, it's alot easier than using the jar lifter and to me it's safer, no chance of the jars dropping or hitting together.
When the flowers dry up the heads are full of seeds, just roll the dried flowers between your fingers and the seed will come out. Put them in a baggie for next yr.
One yr. when my DD was in the lower grades I saved the lids from used jars for Christmas crafts they were making. Some where made into photo magnets for the fridge, some were used as ornaments for the tree and some were made into coasters. There are lots of inventive uses for used lids.
Me and my DH planted green beans this past Tues. Last night they were not up today they were. Alot can happen in 12 hrs. Yeah ! :watering and we got lots of rain this afternoon.