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  1. nccountrygirl

    putting up pickles

    That would probably work fine.
  2. nccountrygirl

    How much do you reuse?

    Yes they are a one time deal. The rubber gets soft and food particals get in the seal, They are cheep to buy so just replace them every time.
  3. nccountrygirl

    putting up pickles

    Dark help keep the pickles from turning dark and the liquid from turning cloudy, my granmama always keep hers in a utility room off of her kitchen. Alot of people store there caned goods in there basement if they have one.
  4. nccountrygirl

    putting up pickles

    Usally about a month. You need to let them sit in a dark place and just "Pickle".
  5. nccountrygirl

    Newcomer from NC

    Welcome to TEG. What part of NC do you reside in?
  6. nccountrygirl

    I know it is here but can't find it.

    Here it is
  7. nccountrygirl

    Question about canning- bringing water to a boil

    My grandmama would put her jars in a 200 degree oven till she was ready to fill them. The heat form the oven would kill any nasties that were in the jar. She would lay them on their side on the oven racks. She did this for as long as I could remember. Just a thought.
  8. nccountrygirl

    tomatoes not turning red!?!

    We have been pulling tomatoes for a least a month so it's got to be y'alls cooler weather.
  9. nccountrygirl

    ? about processing jam

    I always water bath all my jams and jellies to kill any bacteria that might be in the jars.
  10. nccountrygirl


    No, I planted them where my Squash, Zukes and Cukes were. You always want to rotate your crops to keep the pest confused. Good Luck.
  11. nccountrygirl


    I planted mine Tues. I planted Blue Lake Bush beans. They mature in 55 to 58 days. I figured what the heck why not take the risk and go for it.
  12. nccountrygirl

    What did you pick today?

    Roma Tomatoes
  13. nccountrygirl

    Green Beans

    What does self pollinate mean. Does it mean they do it themselves and do not need bees or what. I'm confused. Help! please.
  14. nccountrygirl

    Canning on a smooth top range?

    My Presto has a part of the pot that only covers the burner of my smooth top. The rest of the caner sits up off the stove. It works great.
  15. nccountrygirl

    Big UGLY bugs

    Recipes please for the insecticide soap. I have a few but they are for roses and houseplants.
  16. nccountrygirl

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    My hubby pulled up all the squash, zukes and cukes and we ammended the soil and planted 3 rows of Blue Lake bush green beans.
  17. nccountrygirl

    Canning on a smooth top range?

    So simple really I got mine from WalMart for 60.00.
  18. nccountrygirl

    Canning on a smooth top range?

    My hubby just bought me a new Presto 16 qt pressure caner made for smooth top ranges. So far it's works wonderful.
  19. nccountrygirl

    tomatoes not turning red!?!

    Patience, they will turn red in their own time.