Our Squash and Zucchini, and Cukes have just about run it's course so tomorrow we are going to pull up the plants and get the ground ready for something else. Will string beans do well this time of yr.? What else might I consider in the legume family. I'm going to get the seeds today.
I went today and bought 6lbs of Blackberries as I don't know anyone that has any bushes, anywho they are in the caner with about 2 minutes to go. I got 7 1/2 pints of jam and enough for a cobbler that is now cooling.
There might have been air trapped in that jar, Make sure that you stick a rubber spatula in the jars to get out any air pockets. You can reprocess that jar with a new lid or just use it in a recipe.
Try drying it for later use. Heres a link
Heres another one that includes freezing it
I did not mean to wipe the whole lid off I meant for her to just get the water off of the lid which is really not nessesarry to do at all. It will evaporate since the water is so hot.
Cukes expel a lot of water when processed, that is why they look like you haven't filled the jars up. I really pack cukes into my jars and they still look like yours so it's nothing you are doing wrong. Your Blueberry Jam looks delicious.
Hey there your pickles are looking good. Most of mine look like yours, they shrink in the jars. The jar that fell over, just set it right side up and it should be sealed like the rest. The little bit of water left on the lid, just wipe it off with a dish towl. Enjoy all of your hard work.
I went this morning and got 2 30 lb boxes of tomatoes to put up tomorrow. 1 box is Roma's and the other is Homesteads. I also came home with 10 colored Bell Peppers which I have now put in the freezer. How do you dry the seeds? I have them on a paper towel on my back porch under the ceiling fan...
I'm going in the morning to get 2 boxes of canning tomatoes. A lady has them for 12.50 a box, I just could not resist this even though I do have 22 mater plants but all of them are green.