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  1. nccountrygirl

    My DH bought me a Pressure Canner for my birthday.

    Natalie, that's why my husband bought mine. We were in Wally World Sat. and they had 3 left, an old women bought one and I asked the sales girl if they would have any in August and she said probably not, so hubby figured he better get it while it was still there. I plan on using it like a steam...
  2. nccountrygirl

    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    I made 13 pints of White and concord grape jelly yesterday. Today I froze 5 qts of Zucchinis and 2 qts of yellow squash. I put up 4 bell peppers, 1 qt of jalapenos and cayenne peppers and tomorrow I'm making sweet pickle relish. Forgot to add that I put 60 ears of Silver Queen corn in the...
  3. nccountrygirl

    Anyone ever heard of Dilly Beans?

    You can buy small packages of fresh dill in the produce isle of your grocery store. It's just a pinch of the fresh dill. Google Dilly Beans there might be another recipe you would like better. Good Luck.
  4. nccountrygirl

    Anyone ever heard of Dilly Beans?

    Heres one I googled,172,150183-254203,00.html
  5. nccountrygirl

    My DH bought me a Pressure Canner for my birthday.

    That is what I asked for. Good hubby :lau Edited to add: Thanks y'all :D
  6. nccountrygirl

    Need a soil tester.

    Most Ag offices either have them for free or will do a free soil analysis for you.
  7. nccountrygirl

    Blueberry Harvest

    My gosh they are pretty and you could send some to NC next yr. :happy_flower
  8. nccountrygirl

    First time making Jam! 5 pics.

    That looks so good. I put up 7 pints of White Grape jell and 6 pints of Cocord Grape Jelly today. I quess we were in the jelly making mood today. :rainbow-sun
  9. nccountrygirl

    *Updated w/Questions* I got a pressure canner today!!

    Yes that is normal. As the pressure canner is doing its thing the tomatoes are cooking down inside the jars. The tomatoe smell is normal as steam escapes the jars.
  10. nccountrygirl

    My DH bought me a Pressure Canner for my birthday.

    Jeff came home today from picking up some baby back ribs with a surprise for me, a 16 Qt. Presto Pressure Canner/Cooker. My B-Day isn't until August but he was afraid that if he waited till then they would be gone. Now I have to find something to can in it.
  11. nccountrygirl

    Just curious.

    Get you a Farmers Almanac at any feed store. It will have all the info there for you.
  12. nccountrygirl

    Using Eggshells

    Thanks, so many of us have chickens and a ready supply of Oyster shell that I thought it might work.
  13. nccountrygirl

    Using Eggshells

    Could Oyster Shell be used instead of Egg Shell?
  14. nccountrygirl

    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    Yesterday I froze 2 Qts of Squash, 4 Qts of Zukes and 7 Qts of corn.
  15. nccountrygirl

    North Carolina!

    No thank God. We happily live in the county of Lee.
  16. nccountrygirl

    I bought a Fig Bush today.

    Thank you very much.
  17. nccountrygirl

    What did you pick today?

    Squash, Zukes and a few tomatos.
  18. nccountrygirl

    I bought a Fig Bush today.

    What kind of care do fig bushes require. We are going to plant it Monday, we have clay soil here, is there something I should do to ensure a good start. Thanks
  19. nccountrygirl

    North Carolina!

    I live in Sanford- Lee Co.
  20. nccountrygirl

    Favorite Natural way to keep bugs at bay

    Has any one ever used Eucalyptus Citriodora. It smells like citronella. My sister gave me some, you have to mix some in a carrier oil like Olive or Almond. I haven't used it yet, it is very strong smelling. It is suppose to keep mosquito's away from you and as strong as it smells every one else too.