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  1. nccountrygirl


  2. nccountrygirl


  3. nccountrygirl

    What did you pick today?

  4. nccountrygirl

    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    2 Qts of Squash in the freezer. Last week I put uo 8 Qts of tomatos and 7 Qts of Peaches and then made 15 pints of peach jelly.
  5. nccountrygirl

    I saw Bee's today.

    Do a Google search on Honey Bees. Last yr. most of the population dissapeared. They later found out it was some type of virus that was killing them off. Please do NOT killl them, they are what pollunates our crops. No Bees = No Food.
  6. nccountrygirl

    I saw Bee's today.

    :bee I finally saw bees on my Squash blooms, :woot Now maybe they will start making more Squash. :weee
  7. nccountrygirl

    I have way to many weeds!

    Pulling them by hand is the only way I know of to get the weed roots and all.
  8. nccountrygirl

    What did you pick today?

    We are picking Zukes, Squash. Cukes, and a few tomato's daily.
  9. nccountrygirl

    Is it hot enough for you??? :D

    It's to hot here, suppose to be 102 today.
  10. nccountrygirl

    Automatic Compost / Dirt Sifter - Screen - Sieve

    I just watched it. It worked fine for me.
  11. nccountrygirl

    What is your favorite leaf mulcher/shredder?

    We have on on our blower/ leaf vacuum BUT we have way to many acorns in the fall to use it.
  12. nccountrygirl

    Freezer Jelly Recipe?
  13. nccountrygirl

    Fire Ants in the garden

    Does any one have a problem with fire ants. We don't here but when we lived in SC we had a time with them. We had a beautiful garden one morning and by late afternoon they had eaten our entire garden down to nothing. I feel for those of you that have this problem. Oh Fire Ants are here in...
  14. nccountrygirl

    Zucchini trellis?

    You can let some get really big and feed them to your chooks. Thats what I plan to do.
  15. nccountrygirl

    Recipe for crunchy dill pickles?

    Go to WalMart and buy a copy of Ball's Blue Book Of Canning. It has about any recipe you will ever need to put up all veggies.
  16. nccountrygirl

    compulsive jerk of a cat

    Your garden to the cat is like one big litter box and really the only way to stop it is to put up a fence around your garden, and while you are at it you might as well put a top on it because if it is not tall enough they will jump over the fence and your back to square one. I have caught...
  17. nccountrygirl

    Identify Plant - Volunteer

    It looks like squash
  18. nccountrygirl

    Looking for a white rose, ++++!

    NCCountrygirl - let me know where you are and I can get you in touch of people in your area who would be more than happy to give you suggestions. Sorry, I'm confused, help with what?
  19. nccountrygirl

    Looking for a white rose, ++++!

    Hey go online to Jackson & Perkins and see what they have. Good luck with you endeavor.