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  1. nccountrygirl

    Tomatoes pest

    It sounds like you have a Japanese Beetle problem. They will eat every thing in sight if not stopped. I use Sevin Dust on mine.
  2. nccountrygirl

    Garden Progression Pics! Dial-up Warning, sorry folks. UPDATE, page 1!

    Jordon, you are quite the young man, you did a fabulous job on your garden. It looks great, keep up the good work, I'm sure your family is proud of you.
  3. nccountrygirl

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I planted 4 eggplants where some things did not come up.
  4. nccountrygirl

    Canning on a smooth top range?

    Looky what I found, it's not from the weight of the water it's most won't get HOT enough. one of my burners will do little or big pots, so mine might work. Check out this link.
  5. nccountrygirl

    Canning on a smooth top range?

    I'm sure glad I read this post. I did not know that you could not can on a ceramic stove. And you can use cast iron on one, I use it on mine all the time, just be carefull
  6. nccountrygirl

    Looking for canner reccs. please! (also recipes/books/website reccs)

    Balls Blue Book Of Canning is about the best out there. You can pick it up at WalMart.
  7. nccountrygirl

    First time planting potatos...need advice please

    Good Luck with your crop....Laura
  8. nccountrygirl

    First time planting potatos...need advice please

    When all the tops turn brown. Just keep uncovering 1 hill and look for potatoes. It will take a few months to get a good crop. Heres anouther post on growing potatoes
  9. nccountrygirl

    First time planting potatos...need advice please

    Oh yeah, stick them suckers in the ground sprout side up, cover with soil and wait for potatoes. Cut the potato up and make sure you have eyes in every hill.
  10. nccountrygirl

    Peppers Yellowing and Leaves Curling

    My grandmama, would always sprinkle a couple of spoon fulls of Epsom salt around a pepper plant when she put it in the ground. She said it would help with yellowing and make the stems strong.
  11. nccountrygirl

    peach tree getting eaten

    Thank you that was sweet.
  12. nccountrygirl

    peach tree getting eaten

    I have tried every thing and nothing has worked, they will sit in the trees and eat them with me watching. I have resigned myself to never getting any peaches from those trees so I now buy them on my way home to SC.
  13. nccountrygirl

    Newbie Lalaith

    :rainbow-sun Welcome
  14. nccountrygirl

    Please help landscaping infront of porch! Update with pics!

    I would make sure what ever you plant is of a dwarf variety so it will not get to big. Azaleas have a variety that has small leaves and flowers, how about Hostas, they come back every years. Japenese Maples are slow growing specimens, I have the regular and the lacy leaf variety in my yard...
  15. nccountrygirl

    Ever work so hard you couldn't stop? I kinda feel high...

    God you make me feel tired and lazy just reading your post. Congrats on a fine work day.
  16. nccountrygirl

    Who all's from S.C.

    Columbia born and bred, now living in N.C.
  17. nccountrygirl

    what to do with my broccoli plants?

    The best tool I have ever used is The Old Farmers Almanac. I would advise anyone planting a garden to get one and read it from cover to cover. There are lots of tips and ideas to help the small gardener. You can also Google it and look at it online.