Search results

  1. J

    Growing Potatoes

    We planted potatoes for the first time last year. We mounded up the dirt, planted them and left them alone. (Besides the garden watering with the dry weather) We didn't harvest them until the plants had died and our potatoes were fabulous. I didn't know you could harvest them while the...
  2. J

    My yard (pic heavy)

    I like your 'hanging' basket. It looks really pretty!
  3. J

    Tulip question

    Gotta love the April weather here. If it's not raining, it's freezing outside. I'll get them a spot dug up as soon as I can shovel. Thanks again everyone.
  4. J

    Tulip question

    Wow. I didn't know that! Thank you.
  5. J

    Tulip question

    My boyfriend's mom got me some tulips for Easter. I moved them into a bigger pot and have kept them watered. Now all the blooms have fallen off and I was just wondering what I need to do now. Do I need to cut them to get it to re-bloom? Just leave it alone? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  6. J


    I'm in Salem, Indiana!