I agree with Drakemaiden, I keep my rosemary plant in a south window in the kitchen. My dh put a shelf up over the sink for me to keep herbs on through the winter. I hope you can find a window or please invest in a grow light and you will be thrilled to have fresh herbs all year. :D
wow, you love pumpkins? :D I saw, in a craft store, a Fall tree...like a Christmas tree but decorated in raffia and pumpkins and lots of fall stuff. It was magnificent! I would never had thought of decorating a tree for fall like a Christmas tree.
Maybe if you emailed Baker Creek with a...
Please do keep us posted on how your seeds do ok? Did they say they would keep you on a list to send when they get some more seeds or anything?
Now pink accordian tomatoes sounds interesting? Tell us about them, please?
I try to keep one plant in a small pot in my kitchen window and have it all winter long. Last year I forgot to keep it trimmed and it became too large to bring in. I had to go get another one for the kitchen window. I keep rosemary, thyme, parsley, basil and oregano in small pots in my...
There is a big Seed Planting Show and Seminars going on at Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Village Sunday and Monday, May 4 & 5!
Here is a link for all those interested in purchasing rare or heirloom seeds..
www.Rareseeds.com You can find photos and lots more info there plus contact info. Wonder if...
to be honest with you, you didn't need to add any fertilizer after building your garden in the run. Without the added fertilizer, you still would have had an amazing garden. :D
I finally was able to get my garden into the ground after all that rain we had here. I planted it last Wed. while waiting for eggs to hatch...kept me busy. :lol:
I need to plant some sprigs of pussy willow I had cut when the catkins were all over them and used in the house as decorations as...
We had frost last night and it did get down in the twenties here but apparently not log enough to hurt anything as I went out to check this morning and fruit trees and other blossoms are fine. but I would keep sheets of plastic near by to use if I had any doubts for anything in the ground.
When I brought my rosemary in the house last fall and put it in my kitchen window...little did I know that the zinnias I had planted around the whole garden would store some seeds at the feet of the rosemary. I had/have zennias blooming in my kitchen window for over a month now and they...
My hat is off to you Pat. Well said. I just received a gardening magazine and it features POSTAGE STAMP gardening. These types of gardening have been around for decades or more. To each his own. :bouquet
It sure wouldn't hurt to cover them and why risk it? I would cover them for sure. Last night it was suppose to get down into the twenties but thank goodness all the blossoms on the trees are ok so it must not have been that bad. We are to have one more night of this.
If I had planted outside...
sunnychooks, since you ordered from Jere at Baker Heirloom Seeds, I would call them. They are here where we live and they are extremely helpful. They would answer your questions gladly. :)
Rob, if the table you are referring to is inside a garden shed or out of doors I don't think that had anything to do with it...look at the seeds that lay in all kinds of weather, etc. over the year/years before germinating? Some plants come to us via the birds flying OVER us. ;)