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  1. M

    An expensive cheap greenhouse pic heavy

    Look at it this way, Monty...when DW is happy, everybody's happy! And you ended up with a much nicer looking gazebo than you had before :)
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    Introducing myself to the community

    Awww, I'm so envious! DH and I have been sort of scouting around to find a good place to move to...for gardening and critters. WV is one of the places we've been looking. :) Not too sure about all that humidity though. Welcome aboard; I'm sure with your experience you'll be handing out very...
  3. M

    Quick-maturing, Flavorful Soup Bean

    I really like the Hutterite Bean for soup. It's creamy and tastes great. It's a bush bean...I got it from Baker Creek.
  4. M

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    13 pints & 1 half pint of lima beans in the canner now. Yuck...but Bro loves 'em! Also made a huge pot of baked beans which will go in next. Yum.
  5. M

    FYI--50% off sale at Baker Creek

    The link took me right to the sale page...gonna do me a little shopping! :) Thanks for the head's up!
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    Goodwill Find Open My Eyes

    It never hurts to keep an eye out. A few years back I picked up a coffee mug at a church rummage sale. It was near the end and the price was "fill a bag for $1". I figure with everything in the bag I may have paid nearly a nickel for the mug. It was a Snoopy themed mug and was in good shape...
  7. M

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    Thanks. I'm still trying to steel myself to do it all again, LOL!
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    My blue bunny

    What a great litter for a new mom and it sounds like she's doing the right things. Congrats, "Grandpa" ;)
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    What have you canned or preserved today?

    I was totally bummed yesterday. On Wed I spent about 4 hours dicing 15 lbs of onions and getting them in the dehydrator. Bro's dog comes along the next morning and knocks it all on the floor! :( The onions were free, but...oh the work and tears invested! :he
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    What have you canned or preserved today?

    All the "gotta do it now" stuff is finally done for the season...yay! I still plan to do quite a lot of different sorts of beans, but those are dry and can wait til I have time. I've still got a ton of yard work and prep to do before the snow flies. I've hauled out the dehydrators and...
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    Meat rabbit questions for Hoodat (or anyone else for that matter)

    Thanks for the link, Hoodat. I joined up on RT today and what a wealth of info!
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    '[(x)]' Little Dogs

    We have 3 dogs as well...Sam is about 85 Old English/hound of some sort cross. Abby is a pom/chi cross just over 5 lbs and Booger is a maltese who weighs about 8lbs. The only one who's yappy or snappy is Abby. It stands to reason since poms and chihuahuas are about the yappiest little...
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    Dominant Chicken

    The pecking order is a flexible thing and it's hard to say why it changes or how they decide who's where on it. We had to segregate our dominant due to a sprained foot and another has taken over the spot, but she's much sterner. We tried to put Gabby(the former leader) back in the pen while we...
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    There are Doozers residing in my garden.

    I was checking it out and found several recipes for pickled radishes :)
  15. M

    What Are you Going To Change Next Year?

    Lots of changes planned! Probably going to triple the size, but will have to see how much space the new rabbit cages will take. Will probably use the actual "garden" for smaller things like carrots and beets and bush beans. Pole beans will go along the fence which we'll drape with netting for...