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  1. M

    Peas for canning

    LOL, I knew it would be lots, but never dreamed it'd be THAT many! That's why I've never really tried it before...don't think we even have the space to put in so many plants. Still, even if we get enough for a few pints...some is better than none, right? I don't pay much attention to dates...
  2. M

    Peas for canning

    Thanks Linn and RR...I'm definitely leaning toward finding the money in the budget for the food saver. Too bad they're so "hot" right now...not a hope in Hades of finding one in a thrift store :( Reckon I'll just have to scout coupons and deals online and see what I can find to bring the cost...
  3. M

    Peas for canning

    LOL, baymule...and if I say "potato" I bet you think the sweet variety too, huh? ;) I love to add all sorts of different beans to my name it, whatever I have around goes in there...yum!
  4. M

    Your boring/interesting/exciting Weather!

    Ours today is sort of exciting...we got about 3 inches of snow overnight and it's still falling. We desperately need the moisture, but I can't help but think that having about another 20 degrees and a nice, steady drizzle for about 3 days would be a MUCH more efficient way to get it!
  5. M

    Peas for canning

    I'm still researching the food saver...haven't quite decided if I'd use one enough to justify the price. Freezer space is always scarce as hens' teeth around here, so I try to preserve things other ways when I can. However, since we're going to be having both rabbit and chicken in our future...
  6. M

    How were you abused as a kid?

    It's a sad commentary that having rules and consequences is now termed "abuse" isn't it? I know the title was tongue-in-cheek, but it caught my eye. There IS a fine line between discipline and abuse, it's true. A whop on the buttocks is a far cry from a beating...and does a lot more good...
  7. M

    Peas for canning

    Now see...that's why I luv y'all! I hadn't been thinking of casseroles...only soups. I love a good casserole and do use frozen veggies in some of 'em. Y'all are brilliant! I just may "go for it" after all and freeze 'em :)
  8. M

    Peas for canning

    Thanks for the input, guys. I was sorta wondering about them getting mushy...pints here can for 75 mins...and even the pithier veggies like carrots get quite overcooked. Dave is fine with frozen veggies, but personally I can't stand 'em...not to eat just as veggies...the texture seems to...
  9. M

    Peas for canning

    I've grown a few peas from time to time and enjoyed them fresh through the season. This year, I really want to try to grow enough to can for use through the rest of the year. Anyone do this? I need some advice since I'm a newbie at it. There are just 2 of us so we won't needs hundreds of...
  10. M

    Garden Porn?

    Got my first order and the catalog came with it. I'd ordered the yard long beans and they're out of least the variety I ordered. Got several other catalogs too...need to get a grip or I'll end up with a lot more seed than I have room to plant! Also got 'em from Johnny's and...
  11. M

    So do you think we've changed?

    Wow,'re pretty much living the life we aspire to :) I'm sorry for all the health issues, though...but it sounds like you're coping very well! Love the idea of getting rid of one thing before acquiring one. I tend to be quite a pack rat and we're so overstuffed now that trying to...
  12. M

    growing potatoes in raised beds

    I love doing the "container" get a LOT of potatoes and no digging is needed...less work and you don't end up with gouges from a shovel or fork. The easiest one I did was just with some chicken wire type fencing. I cut off enough to make a "tube" about 30 inches in diameter, and...
  13. M

    the Ebb & Flow of Gardening

    Could you manage to bring some of that good but far soil over into the close but rocky garden? For us, I find a lot of ebbs and flows in our choice of things to grow. For 2 or 3 years, after we de-sodded the front and about 1/3 of the back yard, we went a bit crazy with getting ornamental...
  14. M

    So do you think we've changed?

    We're...evolving :) We've been moving toward a more economical way of life for quite a while, but the current conditions have spurred us to greater efforts. We have managed to get all our loans/mortgages etc paid off, thank heaven, so essentially we only need cash money for our living expenses...
  15. M

    Mutigrafted, bare root , semi- dwarf trees

    We have Cosco, but I'm not sure the price of membership would make it "worthwhile" Does anyone have any of those "multi" trees? I confess they've caught my eye, but I've always wondered if they really produce like they say.
  16. M

    What we hope to always have and have growing...Self Sufficient

    Wow, I didn't realize you could do veggie pits directly in the soil. We don't get much rain here, but our soil is mostly clay so we might have an issue with drainage. I wonder if we were to line the bottom of the pit with rock to a depth of 4 inches or so...that might work. I've yet to see...
  17. M

    Dogs for Dinner

    We clean ALL our dishes with Soap and Water...the big male's name is Soap, and the female's name is Water. :plbb Nah, I just can't see what all the fuss is about, really...all kinds of stuff ends up on my dishes...but they all get washed before we eat off 'em ;)
  18. M

    What we hope to always have and have growing...Self Sufficient

    Okay, maybe 340 sunny days was a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much! It's the moisture, or lack thereof, that's the killer here. We've been exceptionally dry, even for us, this winter and there's already talk of water rationing this summer. We're busy squirreling it away now because I...
  19. M

    What we hope to always have and have growing...Self Sufficient

    Dang...if only I'd had more kids way back when...I could put 'em to work for us! LOL
  20. M

    Question anbout chickens

    LOL, Marshall...ain't that the truth! Moose do the same thing; Grandpa used to hook up the wagon to his 4 wheeler and go out on the trails and scoop it up for his garden. He was right on a large lake too and had access to lots of "trash" fish...he'd net them up when running and use them as...