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  1. M

    What we hope to always have and have growing...Self Sufficient

    WTG, Sec! We're in the process of doing much the same thing. We're not prepping for a SHTF scenario, but are trying to get to where we have more control over what we put in our bodies by producing as much of our own food stuff as possible. We have just under a quarter acre and zoned as...
  2. M

    Question anbout chickens

    I have to agree, Monty. I came here through BYC, and there are still a couple threads there I follow and post to, but our chickens aren't pets...we have them for eggs. We'd have meaties too if we were zoned for it. I think they're interesting and all that, but I've no desire at all to have...
  3. M

    Got my vacuum sealer from Amazon today

    Hear, hear...give me a tool of some sort over something sparkly any day! :)
  4. M

    First Greenhouse

    Can't help but will be watching...we've been thinking about a small greenhouse too but we've no experience, so hoping to glean some info here :)
  5. M

    How do you sharpen your tools?

    I say to DH "honey, could you sharpen the spade please?" LOL...I think he just uses a stone on the edges, like sharpening a knife but moving the stone rather than the tool.
  6. M

    How do I know when corn is ready??

    My mama taught me this and I've found it to work well for me. When the silk gets brown and withered, pull back the husk a bit. If the rows are complete, pop one of them with your thumbnail. If a sweet milky fluid comes out, get the pot on the stove! LOL If the liquid coming out is clear, it...
  7. M

    Drying Herbs

    You can put them in jars as soon as they're completely dry ie very crumbly. If you seal them up with any moisture they'll mold. If you have any sort of warm space with a bit of air circulation, you can hang them by the bunch to let them dry. In our arid air here, it takes less than a week for...
  8. M

    Has anyone ever made their own dried tea blends?

    I don't do "regular" tea blends but I tend to play around quite a lot with herbals. To punch up a bland tea like oat straw, I'll add a dash of mint, maybe some fennel seed, some lemon or orange set recipes, I just "play" LOL...sometimes it's great and sometmes...well, not so much :)...
  9. M

    What is your climate?

    Your zone? 5a or b, depending on what map you check. We're in the foothills so lots of microclimates here Your typical last frost? "Typical"?? Hard to say...Sometimes mid Feb, sometimes Mid June. We generally plant around Memorial Day just to be save How much past last frost would you...
  10. M

    Hopefully new laptop tomorrow!

    Woohoo, we've missed you Marshall!
  11. M

    Got my vacuum sealer from Amazon today

    I'll be watching...:pop I've been vacillating over one for quite a while buy or not to buy. I've heard some negatives, but I suspect that the folks who say they're not worth the $$ are the ones who really don't need the product or aren't quite using them correctly. I hope to have...
  12. M

    Question anbout chickens

    Our laying hens (6 red sexlinks) are on the garden area now...but we'll move them off a month or so before planting. All the coop cleanings have been dumped in the area during the fall and winter and they've turned it over nicely. Except during that time, we compost it...that high nitrogen...
  13. M

    Ready to go so come on, Spring!!!

    I'm with you! I'm SO ready to see more than 10 hours of sun each day. Plus my seed order came yesterday from Bountiful Gardens. That's the last of my impending orders except 2 new apple trees. I poured through everything and found 2 different things I can start in about 2 weeks...woohoo...
  14. M

    God made a farmer

    Got to agree, seedcorn, but I take it a step further...too many people seem to not take personal responsibility for anything! :( Nothing is ever "their fault"...but "fault" isn't the issue...responsibility is. It's a sad commentary on our society today.
  15. M

    First significant patch of light on my garden

    Sunlight is so HUGE, especially this time of year. Being where we are, we don't have many cloudy, rainy or just overcast days, even in winter, but it's so energizing to see the hours getting longer at this time of year. We're busy working on pre-garden projects...getting the rabbitry built...
  16. M

    When do you start?

    As soon as we can, and it never seems soon enough, LOL. Like most of us, as soon as the days start getting longer and winter seems to be loosening its grip, I'm ready. We solved some of our prep this year by turning the chickens loose on the garden after harvest last fall. All winter we've...
  17. M

    Question anbout chickens

    Oh my..that's a terrible thing to do to an old gal who hasn't eaten yet today...I need a drool bib, too. Those look gorgeous!
  18. M

    Garden Info from Colorado State University

    CSU has some really great resources! I live in Ft Collins, which is where the CSU campus is. They have lots of programs and info available, as well as practical things like plant or pest identification.
  19. M

    Strawberry Ceiling

    That's a really clever idea! I've been so annoyed with our bed in the front yard, I was seriously thinking of just yanking it out...there's LOTS of other stuff I could grow there that would give us more bang for the buck. I had planned on getting some pallets and leaning them against the shed...
  20. M

    A happy little fellow.

    OMgoodness...what a cute li'l feller...GREAT photo!