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  1. M

    my philodendron just wont grow! What should I do?

    The light issue was the first thing I thought of too. While they don't like too much direct sun, they do like quite a bit of light. Can you move it to a north or east window? If not, can you put it where a light from the house will hit it quite a lot? Years ago I had an African Violet that...
  2. M

    Can we talk Raspberry?

    I think I read somewhere about not growing red and black too near each other as well. I could easily put one kind in the front and one in the back. I love the idea of pruning with the mower, but would gladly do the extra work for the black ones...they're my favorite berry by far. LOL, when I...
  3. M

    Can we talk Raspberry?

    I admit to being spoiled...where I grew up they grew wild all over the place. Of course the berries were kind of seedy and not large but oh my...the flavor! I know I can't get that with the domestic ones, but I think I'd like some anyway. The black ones are my favorite and I definitely want...
  4. M

    Pressure Cooker

    True! You can get the cheapest, toughest cuts of meat and in a short time in the pressure cooker they come out tender and tasty. It's amazing how it can shorten cooking time for pretty much anything. I have 3 different sizes of cookers and a huge canner...use at least one of them weekly. My...
  5. M

    Pressure Cooker

    For stew, I brown the meat in the pressure cooker first, then add the water and lock it down. When the meat is done, I open it up and add the other ingredients, and cook as usual without locking it down again. Works great!
  6. M

    My blue bunny

    I'd love to get my hands on that little guy..he's so beautiful!
  7. M

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    SGC, we like the Manwich sauce but it's pretty pricey, so I found a recipe that's very similar...a "clone" or taste-alike. Haven't used it yet, but after mixing it sure tasted very close. Cat, I've never heard of those kinds of squash before. Sounds intriguing; may have to check 'em out. :)
  8. M

    think Placebos might Work for You?

    Actually, I blame gardening for "blowing out" my knees, LOL. Just kidding...I'm sure it didn't help but it sure didn't cause it. I was in my early 30's when my knees started to get bad and as I've aged (57 now), other joints have joined in the sqwaking. My left shoulder "froze" a few years...
  9. M

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    Whipped up some Manwich clone today and have 15 pints in the canner...should keep us all winter and then some.
  10. M

    Yesterday's Posts

    It could be that the site is so awesome that they find all the info they need without asking anything? I end up always joining sites that are interesting because I can't "keep my mouth shut" so to speak; I just gotta put in my 2 cents' worth...even if it ain't worth 2 cents.
  11. M

    think Placebos might Work for You?

    Under the right circumstances, placebos can be as, or even more, effective than the actual drug. It's the strength of the belief that causes the sub conscious to treat and heal the body. My grandmother had RA and finally started taking meds for it in her mid 70's. One I remember was...
  12. M

    Not good for your thyroid

    Oh dear! I love broccoli! I don't have a thyroid deficiency yet (it runs in the family, though) I do always cook it though, but I reckon we'll need to moderate our intake. Thanks so much for sharing that!
  13. M

    Growing up

    Awesome little buns!
  14. M

    How would a KitchenAid be helpful

    KitchenAid mixer, Cat :) Some of the attachments are pricey...we're saving up for the pasta attachment, but most of the others are pretty reasonable.
  15. M

    How would a KitchenAid be helpful

    I use mine a LOT for canning...but you do need some of the attachments. I use the grinder to grind my own meat for burger, the juicer is great for separating fruits from the skins and seeds, and the slicer does just that. My only complaint about the slicing cup is that the slots are narrow...
  16. M

    Look to where your mind goes

    Like Lesa, my mind goes to our eventual little bit of paradise...designing root cellars, barns, rabbit sheds, deciding on livestock and admiring all the pretty eggs we'll have in our basket ;)
  17. M

    Sunshine in a Zip-Lock!

    Yeah, like most, they like the sun. Ours did quite well, but since there were only a few flowers, I let them be and hope for a harvest next year. You're right...some are much better dried. But then you get some like Fever Few...which is just nasty, no matter what ya do, LOL. Not sure where...
  18. M

    Sunshine in a Zip-Lock!

    I know what you mean 8pm it feels like midnight to me. Amazing how just one hour changes things. Not an "herb" per se, but I lopped some nice milky tops and straw from my oats. Pretty bland as a tea but jam packed with all kinds of good stuff. I flavor it with fennel and...
  19. M

    Hello Everyone new here

    Welcome, Mike! Glad to have you aboard :D
  20. M

    Anyone only freerange their chickens?

    You might check with Lots of folks there free range only. We don't have the space unfortunately, nor the right breed for it. Ours are a portable coop/run that's moved every 3 days or so, so they have access to grass, weeds, bugs and such, but we still have...