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  1. unclejoe


    We sliced and dehydrated 6 tray's of green peppers. They look like little green toothpicks when they're done, but they do keep their flavor very well this way.
  2. unclejoe

    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    Got a bushel of "blemished" tomatoes at the growers market on Sunday for $9.00. This week I am turning it all into sauce. Also a bushel of Macintosh apples for $12.00. They are turning into dried apple rings this week. If I get it all done I'll get another bushel of apples this weekend and start...
  3. unclejoe

    [b]How do you clean your carrots?[b]

    I dug out most of the soil (in the carrot area) and replaced it with sand about 10" deep. They rinse right off and grow nice and straight.
  4. unclejoe

    What would you like to do differently in next year's garden?

    LOTS more potatoes and peas. Far less basil. Stronger stakes for tomatoes. Trellis for cukes. Add broccoli and onion. But then I have all winter to think of more.:)
  5. unclejoe

    Tree--What Kind? *UPDATED W/PICS*

    Lombardy Poplar - They grow 8'-12' per year and only live 20-25 years.
  6. unclejoe

    Any suggestions for @##$!!! bindweed ?!!!

    GOATS! :lol:
  7. unclejoe


    Thank you, I really want to try turning some into leather. The other fruits came out soooo good, and I think the melons will too. I've become a dehydrating fool.:lol:
  8. unclejoe


    Due to stupidity on my part :rolleyes:, my watermelon got a late start. Now that the nights are getting cooler here I am concerned the rest of them won't ripen. My question is: will they ripen off the vine the way tomatoes do? This is my first year growing melons and I don't know if I should...
  9. unclejoe


    Do you dehydrate? Let the dehydrator "cook" the moisture out for you on leather trays while you go about your other business. Then add water back in to get the desired consistency. It still takes a long time but at least your not tied to the stove all day.
  10. unclejoe

    Collecting Seeds

    Tomatoes seeds are Finicky. Here's a link that might help. I hope this works. Haven't tried yet.
  11. unclejoe

    What is a good privacy plant?

    Leyland Cypress It's a very hardy evergreen. They grow in a wide variety of soils and once they're established, grow 2'-3' per year. Plant in the spring when there is more rain. I planted 26 in March to create a wind break. They all survived and I'm looking forward to a big growth spurt in the...
  12. unclejoe

    Collecting Seeds

    I don't have any links off the top of my head but if you "Google" saving seeds there is a mountain info. That's what I did and yes there are ways to go about it to make sure you get your best yield of viable seeds
  13. unclejoe

    Name your three worst garden mishaps/tragedies/accidents

    Since it's back on top I guess i'll add mine. One of our goats got into the horses grain supply and developed a terrible case of bloat. We called the vet (at midnight) and went out to bring the goat up to the barn. He wanted nothing to do with us! He ran right through the electric fence into...
  14. unclejoe

    Bradford Pear Not Doing So Good

    DON"T let him trim it back the way the power co. does unless the ends of all the limbs are dying back!!! When you do that you'll end up with 6 new shoots at every end you cut off. This in turn will make the ends thicker and heavier compounding the problem of wind damage. Go through the inside of...
  15. unclejoe

    Your opinions on types of food dehydrators, please

    To figure out what it is costing, you need to know 2 things 1) What is your electric rate 2) What is the wattage of your machine Our rate here is 7 cents per kwh (kilowatt hour). Actually it's 6.6 but 7 is easier to work with. If you have a 1000w (1 kw) dryer, it is costing you 7 cents per...
  16. unclejoe

    Bradford Pear Not Doing So Good

    vfem, I've had a small tree care co. for 25yrs here in Pa. Bradford pears are notorious for splitting in heavy storms or any high wind situation. If you look at the point where 1 main stem becomes 2 you will probably see a crack instead of a smooth, sealed transition. Over the years water...
  17. unclejoe


    Just came in from BYC. Dillsburg - about 20 miles SW of Harrisburg. 6 horses, 3 donkeys, 4 goats, 9 ckickens, 5 dogs, 2 barn cats, and a 2000sf garden.
  18. unclejoe

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    Started at BYC. I belong to 3 of the 4 now. We don't do cows. 6 horses, 3 donkeys, 4 goats, 9 chickens (8 hens 1 roo), 5 dogs, and 2 barn cats.