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  1. M

    A chicken question

    It'd be less time consuming if you just get a broody, LOL. Let her do all the work of hatching for you ;)
  2. M

    "shredding garden'

    It's a good thing your critters won't eat the tomato plants...they're actually poisonous. The fruit is fine but the stems and leaves...very bad stuff...they're a member of the nightshade family. As for shredding...smaller pieces decompose faster than bigger ones, so...depends on what you...
  3. M


    I love fennel seed and was hoping to get some, but it never bloomed. It's an annual, right? If I could leave it to grow more next year, I would, but I really don't want to see it go to waste. Suppose I could chop the stems and dry them to use as flavorings?
  4. M


    Okay, I admit it...I stuck in a plant this spring simply because I thought it was pretty. Now, I don't know what to do with it. Any suggestions?
  5. M

    What came first -- the chicken or the garden?

    Definitely garden. Been doing that off and on for years and years. Never even touched a live chicken till July of this year when we brought our little flock of 6 home :)
  6. M

    The Easy Garden

    I love Cosmos and have never yet got any to grow's so frustrating! Bachelor's Buttons, violets, dianthus, and marigold, however...almost can't get rid of them...not that i'd want to, of course!
  7. M

    Dad gum it!!

    We've got the opposite going on here. We were supposed to be back in the 70's this week, but it's been cloudy, windy and cool. I don't mind the cool, but can do without the cloud and wind!
  8. M

    Do we ever admit how poor our ancestors were?

    That's one thing that has definitely changed from last century...infant/child mortality. Personally, I think much of it had to do with the mother's resources just being depleted, giving rise to babies who were more susceptible to lots of things going around. Of course, we don't have the...
  9. M

    Do we ever admit how poor our ancestors were?

    I have to agree with Ridgerunner..."poor" has a number of connotations. Nobody on either side of my family were ever really "monied up" (although my maternal grandparents, through hard, hard work and careful spending ended up comfortable) but nobody starved, either. My "old country" (Belgium)...
  10. M

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    That's a really informative site, journey. Thanks for posting!
  11. M

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    It does take a while to get the knack for what works and what doesn't. While you can dehydrate almost anything, some things just aren't as good preserved that way. Most veggies for instance need to be partially cooked before dehydrating or they just never re-hydrate. Most herbs take almost no...
  12. M


    Wow, I wasn't aware of that, Steve...thanks for the heads up...I'll definitely do some checking up on it. Might have to re-think the placement of the sunflowers and just hang some netting on the back fence for the beans. The first year I grew Scarlet Runner, I planted them around our new...
  13. M

    I could use some expert 'tater advise...

    That it would Steve! Our soil is very heavy clay so it doesn't drain well at all. When its wet it weighs a ton and when it's dry it's like concrete :( Grandpa once built himself an above ground root cellar and it did really well, but it was a different place and very different soil. Our yard...
  14. M

    I could use some expert 'tater advise...

    That would be a big ole passel of potatoes, that's for sure! Since the only way I can store them is to can them, we won't grow scads of them, but I do want to have at least some. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a root cellar!
  15. M


    My cousin planted some between the yard and driveway about 8 years ago...and now they're like weeds, LOL. Wasn't a good choice for spot since they would always grow and lean over the driveway to the point where we couldn't get the car in or out without difficulty. Think we finally got them...
  16. M

    I could use some expert 'tater advise... you've got me thinking! We get our cracked corn for the chickens in 50lb bags and they're not plastic coated; just heavy duty paper. We might could try that for some. I've been thinking that we might be able to us hay or straw bales as insulation around the dirt part of the...
  17. M

    I could use some expert 'tater advise...

    Plant your garlic all over the place, nacho! It's actually a fairly pretty plant and is dynamite pest control. I make sure to have it growing around all my plants that are susceptible to aphids in particular. Our soil here is very heavy clay so it makes potatoes a bit of a problem, although...
  18. M

    I could use some expert 'tater advise...

    "petitoes"...LOVE it!! I was also wondering if they weren't one of the gold/yellow varieties...the flesh is very yellow. LOL...I'm in the same boat, baymule! I'm doing well if I can figure out a baker from a boiler. Never met a spud I didn't like anywho!
  19. M

    What have you canned or preserved today?

    Oh yum! My stock stock is nearing depletion, so I've got to get some done as well. Got 6 pts of sliced beef for hot chicken sandwiches and 3 quarts of browned stew meat, 14 half pints of salmon, 8 quarts and 8 pints of potatoes. Still have about that many more spuds to go, and about 10 lbs of...
  20. M

    I could use some expert 'tater advise...

    You think they're Gems, Steve? I don't have a clue...I didn't grow them...sorry if I wasn't clear about that. I really don't know all that much about potatoes other than the fact that I like to eat them! The flesh on these is quite yellow, not white or creamy at all. I ended up with 8 qts...