Wifezilla, I think I still owe you some dragon carrot from a looooong time ago. If you PM me your address again, I will send it now. Sorry I forgot before! :(
I would like to have the baby bok choy and will offer:
Joe's Long Cayenne Pepper
Amish Paste Tomato
Long Island Improved Brussels...
Since we weren't celebrating yesterday and the weather was beautiful, I took the opportunity to plant a couple more beds in my back garden. My beds aren't very big due to the space I have available. They are long and thin, about 1.5ft by 8ft. I planted one with mesclun mix and endive and the...
I noticed that Ferry Morse is on the GMO list on the first site but the safe list on the second site. Who to believe? I guess I will just continue to use seed savers just in case.
If I could convince my husband to let me take up more of his precious grass space, I would love to put in a grapefruit and a pomegranate. I think I am going to be happy with the orange, nectarine, and plum that we have now. Wait a minute... I forgot that our apple tree out back didn't make it...
I will take the scallop squash and offer:
From Seed Savers Exchange-
Blue Jade Corn
Ireland Creek Annie Bean
Calypso Bean
Hidatsa Shield Figure Bean
Green Arrow Pea
From Botanical Interestes (Organic)-
Table King Bush Acorn Squash
Mesclun Lettuce
Yellow Straightneck Summer Squash
I did manage some planting yesterday and today. Not much, but it's a start! I put in some cabbage, brussels sprouts, swiss chard, spinach, red onion, and garlic. I still need to plant peas, several different types of lettuce, broccoli, some other types of onion, and more garlic.
Blackberries grow wild in the LA area so they should do fine on your property. We have a couple bushes in our backyard that we just planted this spring. They haven't grown a whole lot since we put them in but they look healthy.
Recipes from the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
Plum Sauce
Makes about four pint jars
2 C lightly packed brown sugar
1 C granulated sugar
1 C cider vinegar
3/4 C finely chopped onion
2 Tbsp finely chopped seeded green chili pepper
2 Tbsp mustard seeds
1 Tbsp salt
2 cloves garlic...
I would guess that your soil is very rich in some mineral that makes it look red and that when it was tilled up, the surface then dried in the sun and made it look like red powder.
I'll tell you what is listed under plums in my Ball Preserving book and if any of it sounds good to you, I will post the recipe for it.
Plum Jam
Nutty Plum Conserve
Pickled Plums
Plum Chutney
Plum Jelly
Plum Juice
Plum Orange Freezer Jam
Plum Preserves
Plum Sauce
Plums in Syrup
Spiced Golden...
They do fade in color as the hen gets older I have noticed. My EEs both started out laying nice mint green eggs. One still lays decent colored eggs but the other now lays eggs that are almost chalk white.
I've never heard that brown store eggs are dyed that color. I'm skeptical of that one.
I always got more in the morning than I did in the evening. Mostly because my goats still had kids nursing as well as my milking and the kids didn't nurse nearly as much during the night. That is my only experience with dairy goats.
I bought some tattler lids earlier this year. They work well and I've been happy with them so far. I haven't used them for everything. I only bought wide mouth ones to fit my quart jars. Next year I will probably get some to use on my pint jars as well. I also miss that "ping" when the...