I am another hummus lover. Of course, being Jewish, it is something that I am very familliar with and I eat it on a regular basis. I have had some store-bought hummus that wasn't very good but others that weren't bad. I prefer mine a little looser than the store-bought varieties usually are. I...
Another question, after I add the rennet and stir it in as directed, it says to let the milk set until the curd shows a clean break. Do I turn the heat off during this time or continue to maintain the temp I brought the milk up to before adding the rennet?
I am planning on making my first hard cheese tomorrw. I am trying to decide between colby, monterey jack, and farmhouse cheddar. Anyone have any tips for cheesemaking in general? I'm a little concerned about how to keep the temperature steady for fairly long periods of time and how to increase...
I pulled a few more the other day. Some of them were the same as those first couple, just one big clove and others were fully formed but still a little small. The ones I have pulled so far have all been ones that I planted under my young plum tree. They probably got less water and more sun than...
My husband is away on a trip and took the computer with him so I'm not able to blog right now. I am using my phone for internet access but I haven't figured out how to get pictures from it to my blog so mine will be inactive for about a month.
I checked in on my community garden plot this morning and found that my tomatoes there are doing great. They all look very healthy and have some fruit on them. The ones I have there are mortgage lifter, pineapple, green zebra, and black krim.
Well I still have about a dozen left but I used a vegetable peeler to take the rind off and then juiced a couple dozen. I also thinly sliced another dozen, packed them in some quart containers and put those in the freezer also. I candied some of the peels and have set some of the rest to dry...
I'll be happy to be a marmalade maker if it turns out really well. It's just that it took three times as long as other jam/jellies and I ended up with half as much product. I'm hoping it will be good enough to make it worth while but we will see.
Today I am going to be making rhubarb jam and...
I could use some ideas of what to do with lemons. I picked a bunch recently and need some more uses for them. Today I made lemon curd and lemon marmalade. Tomorrow I am planning on juicing some and freezing it so that I can make lemonade during the rest of the year. What else could I do with...
I have gotten quite a few from my fireworks plant so far. There is fruit that is almost ripe on my roma and san marzano. My yellow pear, green zebra, and pineapple have some little fruit on them. Haven't gotten action yet from the black krim or mortgage lifters other than flowers, though they...
Yep, they are definitely garlic. My hands smelled for an hour after peeling them. I do have quite a bit more still growing that I think will end up normal sized. The stalks from the rest of them are several times the size of these two little ones. I will be planting next year's garlic much...
I changed my comments to a pop-up window just in case, but my settings already allowed anyone to comment as long as they did the word verification thing.
There were a few small ones that I planted, but I think most of the little ones were planted in a different area. I could be wrong though. I'm perfectly happy to have a little home-grown garlic to use while I wait on the rest of it.
I planted them sometime in early spring, around Feb. or March I think. I have quite a bit left in the ground that is much bigger and has only started to get yellowing on the very outside leaves.
I dug up a couple of my garlic plants today. Their tops had almost completely dried out and turned brown. Both of them were very small but I went ahead and peeled them to find that under the papery exterior, it was just like the whole thing was one clove. I assume I can still use them like...