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  1. PotterWatch

    Today's harvest

    Hurray for summer! My garden is starting to get into the swing of things. I have been picking beans for a while now as well as most of my corn, but the rest of the garden is starting to pick up. I don't have a large garden by any means, but I'm happy with what I got today! The carrots are...
  2. PotterWatch

    Carrot flower

    These were planted around March I believe (I really need to keep a log of when I plant things... :/ ). The seeds were purchased from Armstrong garden center last year. The box and soil they are in was just put in this year and hasn't had any weeds come up, so I doubt it's from something that...
  3. PotterWatch

    Big Cook Out Plan... Planned and Ready to Go!!!

    I just came across this thread and I have to say I LOVE this idea. I may steal it and do the same thing myself...
  4. PotterWatch

    Carrot flower

    Hmm, interesting. It's not even the only one that has flowered. In the first picture you can see another one spiky looking flower down and to the right of the first that is from another one of my carrots.
  5. PotterWatch

    Carrot flower

    I am the question queen right now. I have some dragon carrots and carnival carrots that have been doing fine. There don't appear to be any that are large enough to pull yet but a couple of them have really long, thick stalks and have flowers starting at the tops. What is with that? Will I...
  6. PotterWatch

    Cucumber questions.

    Well, I'll know to pick them sooner in the future. Thanks! They get consistent watering since we have an automatic system, but maybe the first ones were affected when they were transplanted.
  7. PotterWatch

    Cucumber questions.

    I have a couple questions about cucumbers. When should I pick them? When they are about the right size? When they are a certain color? I just don't know. I have four cucumber plants and a couple of the cukes look like I could pick them but others are rather yellow. What is causing the...
  8. PotterWatch

    How long does garlic take?

    I planted mine in late Feb. I do see the tops of a few of them starting to yellow... maybe it won't be too long now.
  9. PotterWatch

    Would like to trade for Butternut Squash Seed

    I almost did the same thing. I have some buttercup squash that I pulled out before realizing it was the wrong thing.
  10. PotterWatch

    How long does garlic take?

    I have some garlic planted and I have no idea how long it takes until harvest. I know I need to wait until the tops die off, but how long does that usually take?
  11. PotterWatch

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    We had pizza again tonight. The kids and husband were pretty boring, just pepperoni and spinach. I had spinach, corn, onion, cilantro, and chicken on mine. Earlier today I had salsa I made last night. I was very proud that all the ingredients for the salsa came from my own yard. It is rare...