Search results

  1. ducks4you

    Who here has been watching and is a fan of "Gross Pointe Garden Society"?

    Been watching this delightful soap opera series. 1st episode (Pilot) identifies characters as different flowers, zinnias, lily of the valley 2nd episode is "Pests" and the garden club finds a solution to eradicating an invasive 3rd episode (this Sunday) is...
  2. ducks4you

    Sewing and other projects, starting February, 2025

    I looked back 6 years bc I thought that we had a sewing, etc. thread, but we do not. Several members do sewing, quilting and other textile projects periodically, and I have been posting my projects, as they happen. I am starting with a simple project, a Christmas gift towel calendar that was...
  3. ducks4you

    Your Weather, 2025

    We Have to start a new thread, since we in an active weather pattern. LINK to this video is below.
  4. ducks4you

    Favorite pots, 2025, Indoor Gardening

    What are your favorite pots? Did you buy them, get them as gifts, search them out? I will start with the small plastic pot I just used to pot up an Amaryllis pup, one of three pups attached to the Apple Blossom Amaryllis bulb that I gave to my youngest DD, but I kept the other 3 for some winter...
  5. ducks4you

    Ducks ALIVE in 2025!

    NEW thread. Thanks, @AMKuska for the inspiration to jump ahead on the calendar. I have probably been planning for next year during my right knee recovery. BTW, I garden in various beds around the 1 acre that is yard and not horse pasture (or the barn and shelter.) I am planning my garden AND...
  6. ducks4you

    Christmas gift lists, what tools do you want for gifts, but are too cheap, like me, to pay for!

    YOU know how it is. Family bugging you, saying, "I don't know What to buy you for Christmas!" Like they don't know you are a hobby farmer (even if you have a postage stamp sized garden.) So, Let's list some things that would make good gifts, or, at least are worthy of discussion, like price is...
  7. ducks4you

    Cicada 2024 invasion

    Two broods will be emerging soon in Illinois. There are only a few places where BOTH the 17 year and 13 year emerge, most places it will be one or the other. If you live where new homes were built after 1980ish, Your trees probably don't have any bc trees were cut down to build and the cicadas...
  8. ducks4you

    Aurora Borealis visible this weekend in most of USA

    Scientists said that a solar storm that produces such a large aurora is very difficult to predict, hence the late notice, BUT, look to see the aurora tonight, May 10th, tomorrow, May 11th and Sunday, May 12th. Get away from city lights--my property IS away from city lights--and look between...
  9. ducks4you

    Pollinator/Local wildflower plants to use on properties

    My Village board is looking for money saving ventures. Two board members have researched grants for free seeds for pollinator gardening and probably also planting local native flowers. They/I wish to save money mowing properties that the Village owns, especially one property too small to...
  10. ducks4you

    Stupidity in action

    THIS IS A RANT FEEL FREE TO SKIP THIS POST I wanted to keep my gardening thread free of politics, but I wanted to share things that I have heard about that I believe, are very harmful. More stupidity~...
  11. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    Couldn't think of a better name for this year's thread. My gardening New Year's resolution? No more online seed buying!!! (for this year's growing season) I have determined that anything else I need to buy I can get at a box store. I did make one more 2023 seed purchase, from Victory Seeds...
  12. ducks4you

    Christmas 2023, what do you recommend that family give you for Christmas?

    I thought I would start a discussion about suggested gifts for we gardeners, items that we REALLY appreciated and use all of the time. Non gardening family always ask for your list and none of the things WE want are flying off of the shelves. I have two suggested favorite gardening items: 1)...
  13. ducks4you

    What kind of cucumbers do you recommend?

    As you know I have had limited success growing cucumbers VERY late, both in 2022 and 2023. I had to put my stash in the fridge bc one of them starting rotting!! :eek: Won't get to my pickles until Monday... I realized that EVERYBODY, inCLUDING DH loves fresh cucumbers, but the picklers have to...
  14. ducks4you

    Farmers using basalt to fix their Carbon
  15. ducks4you

    Invasives and your experiences with them.

    I came across this YouTube to share about a list of invasive plants you should NOT buy/plant, that are readily available at garden centers and box stores. I have not had the terrible spread of mint and lilly of the valley, which are pretty much confined to next to my buildings. Others do. My...
  16. ducks4you

    Throw away Downey Unstoppables!!

    I have used the purple and teal beads, but when I switched to the orange beads 2 months ago I never realized WHY I was started suffering from welts all over my body!! I searched to see if anybody else had the same problem, bc I have NEVER had welts as an allergic reaction EVER...
  17. ducks4you

    Fox's late birthday Treasure Hunt!

    GS, "Fox" turned 8yo last month. Parents brought him for a visit yesterday. Our gift was a cigar box full of coins, single dollar bills, and a few rolls on single dollar coins, buried in the garden (in a ziplock bag,) and inside of a black cigar box. It was labeled, "Bat's Treasure," meaning...
  18. ducks4you

    DUCKS for THEE in 2023

    New year, new thread! I took the bones from the lamb chops and the duck Posts #894 & 895 and I am cooking up broth for the next few days. Crockpot that I asked for was smaller than I realized, but I have a...
  19. ducks4you

    Freezing potatoes and other things

    Greetings, Greetings, little Gardeners/Food Preservers!! Eldest DD (aka, "the Chef,"), thinks we could freeze potatoes, so we are looking into it. Meijer has 5 pounds of russets/99 cents, through November 26th, and we wouild like to stock up. Youngest DD had a funny~I suggested storing them on...
  20. ducks4you

    Blood Moon after midnight toNIGHT, November 8th, 2022

    HEADS UP!!! There is a Blood Moon tonight. That is a lunar eclipse, for those who didn't know this. I got up for the Tetrad, 2013-2014, where there were 2 Blood Moons in the Spring, 2 Blood Moons in the Fall. They were Lovely!! This one is visible only in the North America, the Pacific...