Filderkraut cabbage variety. On its' way to Cole Slaw. It is tall and large on the bottom. Other seed like this is often called conehead. Though the outer leaves don't look that nice the interior is perfect. It was planted with the rest in early spring and has held through the heat of the...
I did not get sprouts on my Brussels Sprouts for the last few seasons, after many successful years. They need a bit of Boron if this happens to you. It is an organic amendment and is very potent so you must take care in amending you soil. I use a tiny sprinkle near each plant., working it into...
For the first time I had to put up electric fencing on my daylily fields . I no longer have horses nor dogs, so they have begun to taste test my plants. It is an old electric fence and in seems to have done the trick. I have another bed that I want to electrify. Years ago we had a solar fence...
I think that I forgot to show you these. I have 3 toddlers that are often with me or stopping by for a quick tomato. I grew potted Veranda tomatoes by Burpee the last few years. It is just to get a head start on my garden crop. Well the little ones love to pick them and pop them in their mouths...
Fresh home grown pineapple is a crop for the very patient. My greenhouse was filled with the sweet aroma of pineapple. I harvested the pineapple and will share it with family for dinner.
Have I ever shown you how I start my onions before?To have the best home grown onions I start my seed indoors in September-October or so. In the North you need long-day onions for best growth. These are way better than sets or store bought plants. The seed do not stay viable from one year to the...
My beautiful Rascal passed on January 13, 2023. He was about 30 years old and I have had him since 2009. I have had a horse or 2 for at least 40 years. So weird to not have a horse to run out twice a day and feed. I lived for the weather report in planning his daily care. Such a sweet child...
The deer have finally found my daylilies and I have to find a solution now before it gets worse. How we enjoyed seeing the Mother deer and her twins all Summer. Until we didn't. I may have to install a better electric fence. The tulip farms around here look like they have enough power to keep a...
I have a large havaheart trap.Trap seems to trip easily in testing. I rarely need it but the raccoons are stealing my corn like crazy. Caught 1 large raccoon with meatballs. The last 5 nights, bait gone, no pest, trap open. Last night, meatballs gone, trap sprung, no raccoon. I can only imagine...
For those of you growing cantelopes for the first time. You will see a change in color of the skin. When you just touch the melon the stem will slough off. Perfection. Watch them every day.
We may be melting in this heat but my cantelopes and watermelon are loving it. Those of you having good luck with your melons I have a tip for you. Animals know precisely when food is ripe. I have been surprised in the past, lifting up a cantelope to pick and find it hollowed out from...
A new to me easy to grow green passed the taste test for a raw addition to a salad for me. It passed the stir fry taste test for my family.
Tatsoi. From the Baker Creek catalog. "50-55 days. Tatsoi is nicknamed Vitamin Green, and rightfully so. This gourmet green is known as one of the richest...
I do not know if too rich is the right way to put it. I had my soil tested for the first time in many years., We have composted and used horse and chicken manure for 40 years or more. I have not soil tested because when I last did it I was offered chemical fertilizer advice based on usage per...
Sharing the fun. My tomato plants, Burpee's Veranda seed, seem well on their way to giving me some tiny red tomatoes before the last frost! I was going to challenge you all to see if I get the first red indoor tomato of the year. Then I remembered I would not have a chance with you southerners.
I started my eggplant seeds the 2nd week or so of February. This is usual for me as I like mature plants for eggplant and peppers. I used a new micronutrient solution and my greenhouse was very warm multiple days in the last few weeks. The result is giant plants close to a foot tall. I just up...
I get this question from my local friends. I thought I would share my advice for any others growing in a northern climate. Sweet potatoes are very cold sensitive They are only distantly related to white potatoes, so their growth habits are very different. You can grow your own...
I know artichokes are easy and even a nuisance in the south. But it is not so here in Massachusetts. Nothing is more delicious for the artichoke lover than fresh garden grown artichokes. It is not for the impatient and maybe not for the beginner. Each plant should be at least 18 inches apart. A...