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  1. TEG Project Manager

    What’s Your Go-To Companion Planting Duo, and Why?

    Companion planting is one of the best tricks in a gardener’s toolkit—pairing plants that support each other can improve growth, deter pests, and even enhance flavor! Some combinations are classic, like tomatoes and basil, while others are more experimental. What’s your favorite plant pairing...
  2. TEG Project Manager

    Landscaping Forums Import – Community Input Needed!

    Hey Friends, As you may have noticed, we’ve been working on importing content from the old Landscaping Forums into a new section here on TEG. The process is mostly complete, but there’s still a bit of cleanup to do, and we’d love your input on how best to organize everything! Right now, we’re...
  3. TEG Project Manager

    What’s Your Top Gardening Resolution for the Coming Year?

    The new year is the perfect time to set fresh goals for your garden. Whether it’s planting new varieties, improving sustainability, or trying out new gardening techniques, resolutions can help us stay focused and inspired throughout the year. Let’s hear your gardening resolutions! Which one are...
  4. TEG Project Manager

    What Unexpected Garden Guest Surprised You This Week? 🌿

    Gardens have a magical way of attracting surprises—whether it’s a curious animal stopping by, a mysterious plant sprouting up, or an insect you’ve never seen before. These unexpected guests remind us that our gardens are part of a much larger ecosystem, full of life and wonder. This week, we...
  5. TEG Project Manager

    Which Plant Do You Recommend Every Gardener Try Growing at Least Once?

    Every gardener has that one special plant—the one that brings a little extra joy or satisfaction each season. It might be because it’s surprisingly easy to grow, yields a bountiful harvest, or simply brings beauty to the garden. In this thread, we’re sharing those “must-try” plants that have...
  6. TEG Project Manager

    Official TEG Poll: What’s your preferred method for protecting crops from early frosts?

    As fall approaches, those chilly nights can sneak up on your garden, threatening your hard-earned harvest. Early frosts are no joke for self-sufficient gardeners, but there are plenty of ways to protect your crops! Whether you prefer using row covers, mulching, or building a greenhouse, everyone...
  7. TEG Project Manager

    Official TEG Poll: Top Tips for Watering Plants in Summer

    Summer brings intense heat that can stress your plants, making proper watering techniques essential for their survival. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, knowing the best ways to keep your plants hydrated can make all the difference. Share your go-to tip for watering...
  8. TEG Project Manager

    Official TEG Poll: Favorite Easy-to-Grow Herbs

    Herbs are not only flavorful additions to meals but also some of the easiest plants to grow. Which of these herbs do you find the easiest to cultivate?
  9. TEG Project Manager

    Alpaca Allure: Elevating Your Garden's Beauty and Soil Quality

    In the world of gardening, where every plant and element contributes to the overall beauty and health of the space, alpacas emerge as unsung heroes. These gentle creatures, renowned for their luxurious fleece, offer more than just a source of soft fibers. In fact, alpacas can play a...
  10. TEG Project Manager

    2024 Resolutions

    With 2023 coming to a close, what are your 2024 resolutions?
  11. TEG Project Manager

    Winter Gardening: Growing Tasty Goodies When It's Chilly

    Alright, so winter's rolling in, and you might think it's time to pack up your gardening gear. Hold on, green thumbs! We're about to dive into the cool world of cold-weather crops. In this chat, we'll spill the beans on why winter gardening is awesome, what crops can handle the chill, and some...
  12. TEG Project Manager

    Growing Goodness: The Joy of Organic Vegetable Cultivation

    In our fast-paced world, where the buzz of urban life often drowns out the rustle of leaves, it's refreshing to know that there's a movement quietly flourishing – organic vegetable cultivation. Imagine a world where the food on your plate not only nourishes your body but also nurtures the earth...
  13. TEG Project Manager

    10 Fast-Growing Fruit Trees: A Bounty in No Time

    When it comes to growing fruit trees, many gardeners find themselves eagerly waiting for the day when their trees bear delicious fruits. However, the long wait can often be a test of patience. Fortunately, there are fruit trees that offer a quicker harvest, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of...
  14. TEG Project Manager

    Harnessing the Power of Greywater in Your Garden

    In a rapidly evolving world where environmental consciousness is gaining significant attention, the adoption of sustainable living practices has become increasingly important. Among the various ways individuals can contribute to a greener future, harnessing the potential of greywater in gardens...
  15. TEG Project Manager

    How to Attract Pollinators and Improve Your Harvest

    In the world of gardening, pollinators play a vital role in the success and productivity of our crops. Bees, butterflies, birds, and other pollinating insects are responsible for transferring pollen from one flower to another, enabling the process of fertilization and the production of fruits...
  16. TEG Project Manager

    Embracing the Quack Revolution: Gardening with Duck Manure

    In the world of gardening, there are countless methods and techniques to enhance soil fertility and maximize plant growth. From composting to mulching, gardeners have experimented with various organic materials to nourish their plants. One such unconventional yet highly effective method involves...
  17. TEG Project Manager

    How to Maintain a Healthy and Eco-Friendly Lawn

    Having a green and lush lawn is something that many homeowners desire. However, maintaining a healthy lawn can be challenging, especially when it comes to minimizing the use of harmful chemicals and reducing water usage. In this article, we will discuss some practical tips that you can implement...
  18. TEG Project Manager

    Canning on the Homestead: A Time-Honored Tradition for Sustainable Living

    Canning is a time-honored tradition that has been used for centuries as a means of preserving food. The practice of canning has been passed down from generation to generation, and it remains an essential part of the homesteading culture. Homesteading is a lifestyle that promotes...
  19. TEG Project Manager

    Gardening in Spring: Tips and Tricks for a Beautiful Garden

    Spring is a wonderful time of year for gardeners. After a long winter, the warmer weather and longer days bring new life to your garden. It's the perfect time to start planning and planting your garden. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, there are plenty of things you can do to...
  20. TEG Project Manager

    Gardening with Goats

    Gardening is an enjoyable and rewarding hobby that offers many benefits. It not only provides fresh, healthy produce but also contributes to a healthy lifestyle by allowing you to spend time outdoors and get exercise. However, it can also be challenging to maintain a garden, especially when it...