I have never grown green onions and I never bought them in the store. All I ever knew about them as a kid was rarely my mother would have them on the grocery list and I remember my dad and her eating the white bulb and not the green and I am pretty sure the green was thrown away. I got married...
I went to buy garlic to plant and it was all bought up but a few left that are really dried. They are purple garlic, kind of brown and hard. Are they too old to plant?
My Excalibur book says to dehydrate onions at 155 and my friend has a newer book I think than mine and it says 125. I look on line and I see people saying 155. I am sure I probably did dehydrate on 155 in the past, but it seems high. Did they change the temperature in a newer book?
I am going to get an area ready for fall. I want more radishes and lettuce, but still too early I think for radishes? What about Swiss chard, is it too late to start? I am going to try spinach AGAIN and when would be a good time to start that? I am thinking of starting some bok choy inside...
Back in March manure was added to DD's box. It is supposed to be a year old and probably is. I told my SIL to put it on the bottom and the dirt from his other boxes last year on top, but he did not do that. He did not understand but it was pretty much on top and mixed some.
A few days later...
Is copper fungicide safe to use? I read it can built up in the soil. How much would you have to use to cause harm? I was just going to use it on tomato leaves if I started to get any problems.
What daytime and nighttime temperatures do you plant your tomatoes and peppers outside? I need to harden mine off, but it has been too cold to even put them outside the greenhouse. Tonight is going to be 31 and then we have 30s and getting to 40s for lows for several weeks and highs will...
I have dehydrated a lot of things, but not carrots. I have not dehydrated anything for a few years. I bought 10 pounds of carrots and I was going to cut up and freeze, but thinking about dehydrating them. My book says to blanch and when they are finished dehydrating they will be rubbery, but...
I bought a sack of this by mistake and I want to start some flower seeds. Will flowers grow in this potting mix? Should I mix it with some other potting soil?
I am a little worried about this. I took a hoe out there and it is pretty wet, maybe from weather and not fresh fresh, but lots of straw. I have got truckloads of horse or cow manure before and used in compost bins and let break down a long time. If I side dress kale, it will be a long time...
I have usually just put seeds in the ground and I put cucumbers off usually until last so I can get plants in the ground. I almost planted cucumber seeds today but I think it is too cold. I am thinking about starting them in cups. I would like to get cucumbers before the summer is half over...
I was to have delivered I thought 2 year old manure, but they called today and said it is not breaking down good and is about 6 months to 12 months and has some straw in it. Will this hurt to plant in now?
I started morning glories from seeds, and Evelyn did. It was just potting soil. I transplanted them into big pots and used same potting soil. They look good. I have them hardened off and lots of leaves and it looks like flowers about to open, but they don't. I did some reading and I found it...
DD bought this and she says it seems to not like being outside and perks up when inside. Wondering what kind they and does it look like it is too crowded?
Everyday I hear more and more gloom and doom. Yesterday it was that we will have a shortage of coffee. My brother took the week off from his job because work is very slow and they are sending people home and he is afraid they will have to go on unemployment for awhile. Their shortage is related...
I noticed a lot of seeds already out of stock at Baker Creek, especially lettuce and summer squash. I remember last year and how seeds were being bought up and it might be happening again.