Search results

  1. Pulsegleaner

    Luck with Linaria

    Has anyone here ever had any luck growing Linaria? Around here, the weedy yellow toadflax (a.k.a. Butter and Eggs) grows like, well, a weed. But every time I try to sow the domestic one to get a bit more color diversity, I don't get sprout one. In fact, in my whole life, I think I've only...
  2. Pulsegleaner

    Cider In My Ear

    Well, I think it's happened again, I have screwed up vis a vis customs. To go over the facts. A week or two ago, I ordered those Australian Herbs from Melbourne Bushfoods. At the time, I assumed they were located in the U.S., based on their site. It wasn't until I'd placed the order they told...
  3. Pulsegleaner

    Pansies 2023

    Hello all (in this case especially @heirloomgal) Okay, I got the first six pack of pansies for the year. Not super exciting (this pattern is actually sort of common in the "Frizzle Sizzle" line.) but the effect it nice. and yes @heirloomgal, I did INDEED see most to all of the ones you...
  4. Pulsegleaner

    Request from my flower loving friends.

    Since there are a lot of people on this forum who have MUCH bigger flower gardens than mine (including ones outside of the US, who may have better access), does anyone have, or can direct me to, seed for Lord Anson's Pea (Lathyrus nervosus). I'm having some trouble locating a source (Thompson...
  5. Pulsegleaner

    For the Home Citrus grower.

    I just got two seedlings from this person, and since he has a third one, that I don't need, I thought this might be of interest to someone. I double checked with the seller before purchase, and the second picture is correct, while this is a calamondin/calamansi, it's a type whose fruits are...
  6. Pulsegleaner

    New local apple tree found

    I found another apple tree in my area. It's just around the corner from a place called Savory's (that used to be a place called China Star) in a little lot across from the Arcadia Shopping Center in Ossining. The apples on this one actually don't taste that bad (which is more than I can say for...
  7. Pulsegleaner

    Harvest time

    Now that the season is upon us (I'd put this in the song thread, but it seems to have disappeared). (male version)
  8. Pulsegleaner

    Seed Hunt Begins again, FINALLY

    Well, barring a few odds and ends over the last few years, today marked my first OFFICIAL seed search since COVID barred me from Manhattan. On a trip today, I decided, on a whim, to pop into Bhavick (the nearby Indian grocery store), with the intent of trying to see if I could find any bags of...
  9. Pulsegleaner

    If I had a Greenhouse......

    (Feel free to sing it, if you want). If you had a greenhouse (and I mean a BIG greenhouse, like the Palm House at Kew Gardens big, so you could put whole TREES in there if you wanted). What would you grow? I, of course, have a ton of tropical seeds I'd love to be able to grow. Most of these...
  10. Pulsegleaner

    Corn Hunt, 2022

    Okay, as of today the annual corn hunt begins. First check was sort of ambivalent. No usable full size corn yet (the first stuff is usually pretty dull) However, in the miniature material, there may be some potential this year. Looks like one of the growers went with Indian Berries, or such...
  11. Pulsegleaner

    Need Help from my Southern Friends.

    Hi, A quick favor from anyone who lives in the south of the US (probably Southeast to South Mideast) who regularly goes wandering in the woods around there. If you see any patches of milkpea (Galactia regularis) that are seeding, can you grab some seeds and send them to me. I want to try it as...
  12. Pulsegleaner

    Butterfly Peas; straight answer please.

    Hi all, Can anyone give me a straight answer as to whether red flowered butterfly peas actually EXIST. I've seen a few people offer them (like this one...
  13. Pulsegleaner

    Does anyone know the proper way......

    To prepare the seeds of a passionfruit for storage? Given the way the seeds seem to be positioned, I ASSUME you do it much like you do a tomato or a cucurbit (i.e. let the flesh ferment off, then wash it away and dry the seeds.) But having never done it, I could use a second opinion. Especially...
  14. Pulsegleaner

    Something I probably should have checked on

    Hi all, According to my dad (who was the last one near them today, most of my cucumbers now have permanent leaves, so they are making good progress. However, I just realized I may have a potential problem looming. I am well aware that cucumbers and watermelons will not cross, since they are...
  15. Pulsegleaner

    Back from Flower shopping

    Just got back from a trip to pick up a few more things for the gardens. Kind of slim pickings for me this time. I walked away with two small pinks, three sixes of marigolds (each of which only has one that is really all that interesting, and a new something or other whose name I'd have to...
  16. Pulsegleaner

    The Mail Prevails

    Had a bit of a surprise today. About a week or two ago, I was talking to my Dad during one of our daily conversations, and mentioned that I had marked a pair of small glass animals that I like for my collection, but was hesitant to buy them at this point, as both sellers were in Ukraine, and I...
  17. Pulsegleaner

    For those of a tropical climate.....

    Jibril (my reliable seed seller on Etsy from Ghana) has added a surprisingly diverse pigeon pea grex to his shop...
  18. Pulsegleaner

    Prepping for the pansy hunt

    Well, it's getting to be that time of year again; time to begin the search for notable pansies and violas. Based on family schedules, it sounds like I'll get my fist stab at trying to track down the elusive red violas this upcoming Monday. Probably a BIT too early, but I have to be in the area...
  19. Pulsegleaner

    New corns of note

    I just got my Gurney's catalog yesterday, and there are a few interesting new items in the popcorn list. There is one called "Emerald" which is a green popcorn. Though I would be a little apprehensive about its long term stability (pure green corns don't tend to STAY pure green very long...
  20. Pulsegleaner

    What would you do?

    I have a sort of dilemma coming up, and I wondered what some of you people would do in the circumstance. Last Friday, while trolling the web, I discovered that a restaurant across the county I was planning to go to across the county with my family (as part of an outing to that area). had a new...