Search results

  1. Zeedman

    Seasonal phenotypes

    Just an odd observation I've noticed over the years, in how some plants can change greatly, depending upon the season & day length. This has been most notable in the "Zebrina" mallow (Malva sylvestris) which I've allowed to naturalize in my vegetable gardens. The seeds will sprout all season...
  2. Zeedman

    Peppers 2023

    I'm assuming that I'm probably the last to start peppers indoors. :rolleyes:These were the peppers I started for 2023; the variety name is followed by the seed year, germ. days, and germination ratio: Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) - hot, good hot salsa (2017) 8-11 days, 24/30 Alma Paprika - sweet...
  3. Zeedman

    Give aways

    Since I am unable to cultivate as much land as in years past, I am forced to begin cutting back my seed collection. There will likely be several rounds of varieties dropped, and I would much prefer to give those seeds to others rather than toss them into my tree line. This round is pepper...
  4. Zeedman

    Experiments, observations, and lessons learned

    With Summer almost over & the end of the growing season approaching, maybe this is a good time to review & share what worked this year - and what didn't. Last year, I grew a climbing cowpea from @Bluejay77 that did exceptionally well. As it happens, there was a row of chard directly adjacent -...
  5. Zeedman

    A gardener's life... part Hope: Atlas bush bean (top), WI 5207 cucumber (bottom) Gigandes runner bean (top); Emerite pole bean (bottom) ...and part despair: The apple tree DW & I planted, which was doing well, loaded with apples - and suddenly died. For some unexplained reason, rabbits felt compelled...
  6. Zeedman

    Walking Onions

    I was cleaning my unheated patio, and found a bag of walking onion bulbils DW had harvested last year. They have begun to sprout, and are amazingly healthy, given that they were harvested 8-9 months ago. These are the full grown scallions as of today; they are exceptionally hardy, and begin...
  7. Zeedman

    The Most Beautiful Flower

    I am a very private person by nature, so have shared only snippets of my personal life on this or any other forum. Most of those were frequent mentions of my DW, and the gardening we did together. But this is such a wonderful community, and having shared joys and sorrows with many here who I...
  8. Zeedman

    2022 peppers

    What peppers does everyone have planned for 2022? These are the peppers we have planned for the year. Most of these won't be started until about April 1st: Aji Cristal (baccatum, hot) Aji Dulce (no-heat habanero, to compare against Trinidad Perfume) Alma Paprika (sweet) Beaver Dam (hot)...
  9. Zeedman

    Heat-less habanero - any ideas?

    This is "Trinidad Perfume", a habanero-like pepper with no heat. Although I may snack on one while in the garden, I originally grew this as a curiosity. I have grown it twice since to save & offer seed, but I never had enough peppers mature before frost to cook/experiment with. Not the case this...
  10. Zeedman

    Can anyone identify this?

    I've seen a few of these being grown locally. It appears to be a shrub, the leaves & flowers suggest that it is a legume. Any guesses?
  11. Zeedman

    An age-old battle

    Seeing a lot of full-grown garter snakes this year, both at home, and in the rural garden. It saddened me a little to see two "friendlies" battling... hopefully the snakes will help with the rodents too.
  12. Zeedman

    World garden outreach?

    On the Bean Thread, @flowerbug posted something that I thought deserved more attention on a separate thread: I've often wondered that too. Do those in South American nations have connections to our internet, or our search engines? (If anyone knows a recent immigrant from South America, it...
  13. Zeedman

    Searching for Apios americana, cultivar LA85-034

    American groundnut. Edible potato-like tubers (but more nutritious), long twining vines with beautiful flowers. This cultivar was developed somewhere around 1990, in a breeding program by the Louisiana Agricultural Experimental Station under W. J. Blackmon and B. D. Reynolds. I seem to remember...
  14. Zeedman

    Down for awhile

    I was in the middle of a post today, and stopped for a contractor who arrived to look at the house. When I returned to the computer, it was displaying "insert rescue disk" :ep When restarted, Windows will not load the desktop. System restore failed, as did attempts to run in safety mode. So...
  15. Zeedman

    Animals in the shed

    No doubt those in rural areas are accustomed to animals in outbuildings, but I did not expect so many problems in my heavily-developed suburban area. Most recently, that has been very persistent animals which have made themselves at home in a small shed (which was originally a pool shed). One...
  16. Zeedman

    2021 Peppers

    Spring is finally here, so many of us are starting seeds (or will be soon). Unless I am growing onions, peppers are the first transplants to be started - especially C. frutescens peppers, which are slow growing. These are the peppers I am starting for 2021: *Amfora (sweet) Bacskia (sweet)(to...
  17. Zeedman

    Naked-seeded pumpkin project

    A.k.a. hull-less. The green ready-to-eat seeds are often sold in the U.S. as pepitas. There are several commercial hull-less varieties & several heirlooms, most are the "Styrian" type. Those pumpkins generally have dark green seeds in large, mostly empty seed cavities. Has anyone here ever grown...
  18. Zeedman

    Emoji problems

    It has been a recurring problem that when I attempt to post an emoji at the end of a sentence, it instead goes to the start of my post, or to some random point within the text. It often takes multiple attempts to place the emoji where I want it. Having two spaces at the end of the sentence, and...
  19. Zeedman

    Mice in machinery

    My suburban lot & those adjacent to mine still have a lot of undeveloped land. Because of that, there is a fairly high wild animal population, even an occasional fox or coyote. I don't really mind the deer in the back yard (now that I have fenced them out of the vegetables), and other animals...
  20. Zeedman

    Green salsa?

    With frost expected, DW & I harvested all of the near-ripe & large green tomatoes, and many green peppers. Our intent was to allow as many of the tomatoes as possible to ripen slowly in our unheated garage. But with so many large green paste romatoes, I was wondering... has anybody ever made...