I have two beautiful clematis growing in my back flower bed. Neither is flowering any more. The problem is my darn baby goat is an escape artist and is obsessed with my clematis. If I cut them back now...we will get frost within a month since this is Wisconsin...will it kill the Clematis...
So, we have been working for years to eradicate this weed. Around here they call it burn nettle, but that isn't it's real name. My husband can pull it with minimal reaction, but I get itchy water blisters from It! The stuff is awful. Can someone help me identify it. Thanks!
Looking forward to meeting fellow gardeners and learning new things. Hoping this site will help me identify weeds (which I have never really worried about before) to keep my baby goat safe. We currently own 5 horses, a bunch of chickens and ducks, 10 cats (all fixed and have shots...8 are house...