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  1. beavis

    What else to plant? Southern California

    Thanks Steve, I am going to try: Pumpkins (an afterthought-mostly for the seeds) Butternut squash amaranth those darn gerkins parsnip!?!? and black/pinto beans, mainly as an experimental crop
  2. beavis

    What else to plant? Southern California

    7 chickens, 6 ducks already growing......
  3. beavis

    What else to plant? Southern California

    Hi guys and gals, I have tons of fruit trees such as apple, fig, plum, pear, peach, mulberry, asian pear, lemon,lime,orange, tangerine, blood orange and lemon planted and producing. And my herb garden is where I want it to be. So, that brings me to the main reason for this thread, I am...
  4. beavis

    Todays harvest

    Getting a little picking in before a large rainstorm hits...
  5. beavis

    How big is your garden?

    Your going to be busy! You might want to rethink 4 feet wide raised beds, I find that I can't easily plant and weed with that width. I use 2 foot and 3 foot wide beds and I really like them. I have >3,000 sq. ft. of raised beds which is ample for my family of four.
  6. beavis

    Beavis's 2012 Garden

    For 2012, we have had one small storm and apparently one is due this weekend. But yep, its unusually dry for winter so far...not good news. Of course, last year we had a large rainfall amount....
  7. beavis

    Beavis's 2012 Garden

    Artichoke planting: Potatoes: Red Onions
  8. beavis

    Beavis's 2012 Garden

    Yes, its concrete reinforcement wire. So many uses in the garden year after year. I am using it in these newly planted beds to keep my two beagles from digging and snooping around in them.
  9. beavis

    Beavis's 2012 Garden

    67 degrees in January! Time for planting... Here are two incredible looking Jerusalem Artichoke tubers I bought today from the local nursery... See you soon!
  10. beavis

    Beavis's 2012 Garden

    Will do Lesa. I always feel guilty posting this time of the year when everyone else is covered with snow.
  11. beavis

    Beavis's 2012 Garden

    Not even close. I still have some tomatoes too, I just didn't photograph them. Its been in the high thirties at night here, a very warm and mostly dry January so far. In fact, my snow peach is starting to bloom right now which deeply concerns me.
  12. beavis

    Beavis's 2012 Garden

    Here are some pictures I took today of some of the things growing on in the garden. We got a nice well-needed rainstorm last night... Onions Cayenne Peppers Collards Beets Potatoes Swiss Chard Peas Arugula - going to seed Kale Mustard Greens Pea Seedlings Radish Seedlings
  13. beavis

    what and when to plant for socal spring

    Seemed like a good day to plant Parsnips. I have never grown them before,but I have researched that they are very slow (3-4 weeks) to germinate and they can take up to 180 days to mature. They need to be sowed in a place that won't be disturbed. Working a new seed bed for the Parsnips...
  14. beavis

    what and when to plant for socal spring

    I too am battling those gray aphids on my winter crops. They devastated my Swiss Chard and are starting to attack my cabbage now....
  15. beavis

    WEIRD EGGS found in compost-what are they??

    I searched and came up with someone with a similar description: Answer was: So I would suggest you remove them or feed them to pond fish if you have them.
  16. beavis

    beav's 2011 winter garden (pics)

    Sven is still here, in fact I gave him a new paint job yesterday. NOt too pleased with the lips!
  17. beavis

    beav's 2011 winter garden (pics)

    Ninny, I gave away a lot of produce to friends and family as well. Plus, I did a lot of canning of tomatoes this years since I had over 300 lbs of tomatoes alone! I have 1.5 acres on my property. Most of the beds that law fallow right now will be filled with summer crops that take up more...
  18. beavis

    beav's 2011 winter garden (pics)

    My goal was to produce 1,000 lbs of produce this year and so far I am over 1,150 lbs for the year and counting! Here are some pictures I took this morning from the farm: Broccoli, Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Mesclun Mix Mesclun Mix Swiss Chard, Broccoli Peppers and Collard Greens...
  19. beavis

    winter garden

    The onions I bought as you see them, they were from a local nursery in 6-pack starter packs. they are a white onion called texas grano. yep, that is a red mizuna. Hopefully it will survive, everything thinks mizuna is tasty!