Hi and Welcome from Southern California.
There are lots of gardeners around here at theeasygarden.com that also keep rabbits and chickens so you will fit right in.
I grow Lycium barbarum but there is also a similar one lycium chinese
Based on my personal experience...
Gojis like neutral soil or just slightly acidic. My garden soil has been amended with compost every year for the last 15 years, so it is really loamy.
They get to be about 3 to 6 ft tall...
I wish I know the right answer. Sorry. If it was me, and if they were in the ground for a while, I would let them go to sleep for the winter. Living on the border of zone 10, freeze hasn't been too much of an issue for our gojis or other plants. But I do know a small amount of drought won't...
I grow everbearing raspberries. And I am also a fan of the Yellow raspberries. My favorite is Anne. I have also grown Kiwi Gold, but it was a little crumbly. Both varieties had a slight peachy sort of taste.
I grew dozens of varieties of red raspberries when I first started growing...
I grow goji berries. Unlike other berries, they are much better tasting when eaten dried, rather than fresh. Watch out though; they can get to be invasive like mint.
How about http://www.floraexotica.ca/Fruit.htm
They posted on Dave's Garden that they carry goji.
I just got a few of these plants myself, but they are still one gallon size. I got them from another local gardener who couldn't say enough good things about the fruit. Her only warning was it...
She is right! My daughter loves to "guerrilla garden" with them. There is an abandoned house at the end of the block where my daughter "plants them." She collects them at our house and disperses them down there. In the years we have heavy rainfall totals they have come up.
Tropaeolum tuberosum is listed as "all parts are edible." But I would recommend doing a little more research if anyone was going to eat any of perennial ones. None were listed as poisonous.
I do eat my annual Tropaeolum majus nasturtium flowers and the chickens eat the leaves.
The only one on your list I grow is Perlette. It is about 7 or 8 years old. It is very vigorous and produces a few weeks before my concord or other grapes. However, it is not my kids' favorite. They like the sweeter varieties. I was told it was supposed to taste a little like Thompson...
Tropaeolum majus is the genus and species of the commonly grown nasturtium you find in seed packets. I love it, and have it all over the place. It reseeds easily and comes back each winter here in zone 9b/ 10a. Some varieties are long vines and some are small and bushy. My favorites are...
I would suggest pole beans, maybe scarlet runner, on decorative trellises, like the fancy pyramid kind! ( That is something I have been thinking of putting out front at my house in the parkway.)
My blueberries are usually attractive in the warmer seasons, but bare in the winter. I did a lot of...
For many years I have subtly had edible plants as part of the landscape in my front yard. Each I add a few more. However, I currently hide them mixed in with ornamental plants. My biggest concern is always a random passersby finding them ready to pick before I do.
The easiest plant to hide...
If you would like to see what I was asking for suggestions and recommendations on, I had put a link to pictures of my first attempt at building one in my first post.
It is a deep hole in the ground with a bottomless bin over that and a lid. It is lined with metal screen in the lower part...
Yes. The purpose is environmentally friendly disposal. There are no ground water wells in the asphalt jungle I live in to contaminate.
*One of the many resources I used in my research came from:
United States Department of Agriculture: Natural Resources Conservation Services: A Guide on...
Has anyone intentionally set up a bin just for composting pet poop?
I am trying it with the intention of reducing what goes to the landfill around here. I cringe everytime I put a poop filled plastic bag in the trash. Also, the biodegradable poop bags apparently only breakdown if they are...
To stop the chickens from scratching plants out, I have had good luck with chicken wire, but not as fencing.
My method:
I cut a one to two square foot sized piece of chicken wire (I like the vinyl coated green kind because it blends in easy.)
Cut the middle out no bigger than is absolutely...
I just got some transplants from someone I found locally on craigslist. She said used to go to CRFG (California Rare Fruit Grower) events so she had all sorts of neat stuff I liked. She orginally got her first cuttings from a nursery in S.D. The variety of goji or wolfberry is (Lycium...