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  1. Shades-of-Oregon

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Thank you @Dahlia lots of deer this time of year.
  2. Shades-of-Oregon

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    This is a bit off subject but @Phaedra … sunflower pics reminds me of a farmer that planted 80 acres of yellow sunflowers for his wife for their 50th anniversary. Yellow as far as you could see. How original and sweet. 😍😄👏
  3. Shades-of-Oregon


    I agree home made butter is the fabulous. I can’t believe the butter offered in the market place passes as butter.
  4. Shades-of-Oregon

    Lion main mushrooms

    Last time I had the interior of the house painted I used water based paint. Water based paints and acrylics don’t produce dangerous fumes that cause health problems . It’s the oil based paint that do contain dangerous chemicals / fumes that can be avoided for home use. The only oil based...
  5. Shades-of-Oregon

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    Same here lots of weeds also dandelions galore. Not to mention several types of moss . The weeds I totally eliminate in the lawn and pastures is clover which attracts gophers. Keeping weeds down also discourages moles and voles by trimming close to the surface helps the resident hawks with...
  6. Shades-of-Oregon


    Easy way to make your own butter from cream. Just mix the cream until it seperated out the water. Then cheese cloth to squeeze out the water add a touch of salt . Form the butter in any shape and that’s it , refrigerate. It tastes better than any butter on the market.
  7. Shades-of-Oregon

    Somehow, It's Funny that Way

    I have read that the prices for gas is higher in summer, more people out and about vaca. So more trucks to service and keep up the the larger demand. And also Oregon does not have any oil refineries so all the petroleum products has to be trucked up the coast from Calif adding to the cost. Same...
  8. Shades-of-Oregon

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    Brought in and prepped all the potted plants to put inside the greenhouse. The temps are cooling down in the 50F tonight. Set a lot of garden tools up and cleaned for winter storage. Cleaned up annual pots . Mowed the garden lawns . Pulled the amaryllis bulbs up from their pots cut the foliage...
  9. Shades-of-Oregon


    A nice teaching tool using the camera to capture the foggy landscape.
  10. Shades-of-Oregon

    Ground squirrels are digging around all my fav trees and shrubs and the foundation of the house.

    Yes of course I have tried the smoke bombs . I ordered more hoping to cover the majority of holes before I ignite the smoke bomb. I saw a new trick on utube to use a leaf blower on low to push the smoke thru the tunnels faster. Slick idea. Anxious to give it a try. Thank again.
  11. Shades-of-Oregon


    There are swifts that nest in a nesting box on the She Shed every year. They are especially entertaining once the chicks have hatched , busy catching insects in the air. Don’t ya just love spell check.. rump/rumpus…rumpled.. 😟
  12. Shades-of-Oregon


    And that little gem with your grandson is a gift for our hearts. 🥰
  13. Shades-of-Oregon

    Somehow, It's Funny that Way

    Great reminder… I think maintenance is one of those necessary evils…I hate doing it…but I need to get both tractors oil changed , oil filters and while yer at it check the air and gas filters. Another reminder it’s also time to call the gas company to fill 55 gallon barrels of gasoline and...
  14. Shades-of-Oregon

    What are some of your favorite bloomin trees any season.

    Acacia spectabilis tree has fragrant bright yellow inflorescences, with glaucous foliage and silvery bark. Cold hardy, deer , elk, squirrell, gopher, moles , voles, and mice resistant. Grows fast can get spindly in the PNW if not enough light and requires occasional trimming to encourage...
  15. Shades-of-Oregon

    Ground squirrels are digging around all my fav trees and shrubs and the foundation of the house.

    And here’s another way to catch gophers . Very interesting. I just put the hose down the hole as they come up wack with a shovel. I catch quite a few that way over the years.
  16. Shades-of-Oregon

    Ground squirrels are digging around all my fav trees and shrubs and the foundation of the house.

    R2elk. Thank you for your suggestion will try that idea . If I can fill in all the holes fast enough, will they escape and dig out? I found this on you tube. I know where the tunnels are it’s wort a try. This guy doesn’t fill the holes.
  17. Shades-of-Oregon

    Any of my fellow greyhairs cutting back on gardening as the years march along?

    @SPedigrees After exploring thru your journey of down sizing thru your garden posts, I feel lucky to be a member of the grey hairs down sizing our gardens along with you . And I am very sorry to read of your DH. The title caught my interest that read …”Any of my fellow greyhairs cutting back...
  18. Shades-of-Oregon


    TIn Oregon yellow rumpled warbler is common . I see them flooding in huge flocks especially in fall flying south. Also thought this was of interest: It is also time for the annnual flight south of the Vaux swifts to do their normal ascent down the chimney every year at a school for an over...
  19. Shades-of-Oregon

    Your Weather, 2024

    Rain here and misting . Soggy realestate is to slippery and windy .