We got some new fish today, one of them is a shubukin goldfish. The label on the tank said they get to 6", so I was thinking it would be okay in the tank we had for our 5" common goldfish. After reading information about the shubukins, everything I've read says they get up to 13"!! And they...
I've seen a lot on here about this, as well as with google searches. But I have a lot of questions regarding square foot gardening. A friend had suggested lasagna gardening, but I don't think that would work; my garden area is huge (approx. 30'x50'), it would take me a few years to have enough...
Hi all, I'm in southern KY. Hoping to get my garden plowed soon, a neighbor came down a few weeks ago with his tractor and disc, but he did such an awful job that I still can't work it :( I tried digging the parts that he missed (most of it it seems) with a shovel and hoe, but I just can't do it...
Are tree seeds acceptable on this chain? We have tons of silver maple seeds falling from our 3 trees. There are quite a few different seeds listed here that I need more of/would like to try, just curious if trees are okay :)
We have 3 of these trees in our front yard, and my son has become obsessed with collecting the helicopters! He is 5 years old, and he wants to sell some to make some money :rolleyes:
I helped him plant over 140 seeds today for him to sell as seedlings at our local auction. One tree hasn't...