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  1. The French Gardner

    Potatoes, Potatoes, & saving Fingerlings for seed potatoes?

    Hello, I am very new to gardening, you might even say a virgin....I have tried gardening but nothing ever grew so I guess we can't count those times but I am trying again all anew....we shall see what we shall see... anyway in regards to Potatoes....I am in Zone 9, when is the best time to...
  2. The French Gardner

    Hi From Florida, BYC member but new to this Forum

    Hi, I am a BYC member...The French Hen. I am new there too. I am from Tarpon Springs, FL Zone 9 I have tried on numerous occasions to grow things but I am very, very unsuccessful at it, but, I keep trying....I never say die !!!! I think it's just lack of knowledge that is my...