OHH sounds like my mom would like them they are all in the compost now :( they grow much quicker than other varieties don't they? HMM there are more coming up so I will keep in mind what to use them for we also make roasted radishes and that takes away most of their usual kick so maybe they...
I have all diffrent types of radishes in a radish mix I was wondering what this is ? we got allot of these and didn't know what to do with them they look mighty unapatizing. Oh and there are more pics of the garden over on BYC just posted them! I will probably post later here during another...
ok thanks I am pretty sure its not japanese beetles I just identified them as flea beetles because they are small and jump off the leaf when touched.
THanks I think I will use the DE. DE is like sevin dust without most of the chemicals
My tomatoes have been having problems this year. At first I just thought they were too wet because it has rained a ton here this spring but on closer inspection there are little holes all over the leaves I tried to pull most of the really badly affected ones off the plants. There are little...
So bugs are what is causing the tomatoes problem I looked closly and there are allot of holes and a small beattle like insect that has a shiny gold back.
Any Ideas I am going to but some DE on it is that ok? their is no wind today and i won't use much.
Thanks tutter we are going to get them today and replace a few tomatoes.
I don't think its a drainage problem I guess they might just be over watered not really rotting.
Everything else looks great and the lettuce is so good ! we are taking out the mesclun today because it has bolted but the...
Thanks Everyone. I am not really sure what other types of bugs there are but they sure like eggplant leaves :( . We also have lots of ants for some reason I don't know why. The weather here has bin very rainy and cool for this time of year. I like it though because it gets to hot to fast here...
I am posting a few pictures of my raised bed garden that seems to be doing ok it is a bit to rainy and some tomatoes are getting rot and their are a ton of bugs every where. I am going to buy lady bugs for our aphid problem in the middle of the week. The blueberries are loving the moist weather...
Gwen I am sorry about you losing you garden. Lucky for me I kept the frost sensative stuff out of the ground because I heard about the freeze before and I am also lazy. I hope your beans come up anyway.
I know now I want to grow some rhubarb so I can make this and strawberry rhubarb pie ! I planted my new strawberries today I will have to check with my mom about rhubarb.
(Edited because I can't spell rhubarb)
it is getting cold tonight and tommarow on the entire east cost My uncle said today there where flurries in upstate N.Y. It is supposed to be pretty cold but above freezing over night here in MD
How do Black Rasberries do with normal rasberries? I planted one in with our normal red rasberry plants today. I also planted strawberries of the Ozark beauty variety. How is this variety ?
Thanks in advance,