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  1. P

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    I am from BYC - a couple of the recent posts on the Okies in the BYC thread have been about swapping seeds and I always enjoy the pictures of successful gardens. :)
  2. P

    can "old" eggs be composted?

    Since many of us saw this forum while on the Back Yard Chicken, perhaps someone has dealt with this.... When there are eggs that didn't hatch in the incubator, they can be nasty to get rid of. Can they be buried in the garden or added to an existing compost pile to "recycle" them? Would you...
  3. P

    llama poo and goat poo - can fresh poo be put into the garden?

    We have llamas and goats. The llamas are thoughtful enough to use a "community" spot for their poo, so it is very easy to gather. The goats simply poo wherever - but there is still plenty to be found. Can I put llama poo and/or goat poo directly into the flower beds and/or garden or do I need...
  4. P

    How do you compost your chicken poo?

    Actually, if you use deep litter in your chicken coop and wait until the pine shavings are like sand, you can even put some of your chicken litter into your worm bins with your garbage. I just add some brown paper feed sacks to the top of the bin for bedding and after a few months the litter is...