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  1. Gardening with Rabbits

    Greenhouses, South Windows & Other Locations

    I do not have enough room inside really. I may have to put things in the floor at night and move outside during the day, at least things that can take the cooler weather. The onions are going to stay outside. I am waiting for money to appear. lol I have spent a lot of money on the twins...
  2. Gardening with Rabbits


    I asked what kind of coffee they made this morning and it is called Draft Mule. I am going to have to go make a pot of coffee later. This is like drinking flavored water. I think she likes weak coffee. We had thunder and lightening around 2 this morning, but we did not get any rain. It is 49...
  3. Gardening with Rabbits


    I am not sure I had coffee this morning. Daughter-in-law made it and it looked more like chocolate. I was kind of sleepy all day, so I made some later in the day and then kind of had heartburn. I never get heartburn, but was not sleepy. lol I have all my plants out in the greenhouse. We had...
  4. Gardening with Rabbits


    I got up and saw it snowing a wet snow. Everything was covered in about 3 inches. All the electric lines and trees. It looked like a white wonderland. I decided to get back under the covers and then when I got up it was melting and raining some. I brought the onion seedlings back inside...
  5. Gardening with Rabbits


    It is a really nice sunny morning. I am having my coffee and I am going to take my onion seedlings out to the patio greenhouse. I never did buy the replacement cover for it, so I am going to take some plastic over the door that is all torn. I will buy the cover soon. I have been busy helping DD...
  6. Gardening with Rabbits

    What are your favorite perennial flowers?

    Well, it sounds awesome, but the weeds make it not so photo awesome. LOL I did take a few pictures last year. I hope to do better with the weeds this year. I also had some flowers shading others and I planted the morning glories on a fence but they just took it over and cover a lot of other...
  7. Gardening with Rabbits

    What are your favorite perennial flowers?

    I have plum trees in places I do not want. lol If I find a hollyhock in a place that I need to till or plant something else, then I dig them up and transplant them. I love looking around in the spring for them and other treasures. Bee balm and oregano have spread through my yard too.
  8. Gardening with Rabbits


    We tried everything and did not give up on him, so that makes me feel better.
  9. Gardening with Rabbits


    Thank you. He was a busy cat and always into everything.
  10. Gardening with Rabbits


    Same here, but the wind melted the last of the snow, but standing water everywhere.
  11. Gardening with Rabbits

    What are your favorite perennial flowers?

    For years I have had hollyhocks, bee balm, daisies and coneflowers reseeding after I had started them years ago. I noticed the hollyhocks were getting fewer and fewer, so last year I started tons of them. I gave some to DD and I can't wait for the snow to melt to see what I have. Last year for...
  12. Gardening with Rabbits

    Cabbage, Collards

    I had a huge aphid problem with kale and realized that they loved the Red Russian kale. For a couple of years I grew the Russian kale on the last row and used them like bait and really it worked. I started some Red Russian for this year. I would like to eat it, but I will plant it on the end...
  13. Gardening with Rabbits

    Green onions

    I have never grown green onions and I never bought them in the store. All I ever knew about them as a kid was rarely my mother would have them on the grocery list and I remember my dad and her eating the white bulb and not the green and I am pretty sure the green was thrown away. I got married...
  14. Gardening with Rabbits


    Thank you. I am okay. Better than I thought I would be. Most animals I have had to put to sleep, I knew what was wrong with them, but there just was not an answer for this. He was very strong and young looking for a 14-year-old and just went down so fast and when vets have no idea, it was just...
  15. Gardening with Rabbits


    They all seem on the mend today. The kids are coughing, but so far DD is not coughing, but nothing like some people with RSV. Thank you about Blinky. I have so many cats and dogs over the years to remember. I wish I could have a cat that could go outside and not worry that something would...
  16. Gardening with Rabbits


    Thank you all. He was a wonderful cat. He was a flame point. There is supposed to be some Siamese in the bloodline. They talk like a Siamese cat does. If I ever get another cat it will be one of these. I had a garden friend cat named Flower that always was outside in the garden with me and she...
  17. Gardening with Rabbits


    I started 3 different kinds of onions, marigolds, cabbage and 3 different kinds of kale today. I have to go to the store to get a few other things I want and I will start the tomatoes and peppers and a few other things Saturday. DD and the kids have all had the stomach flu, so I do not want to...
  18. Gardening with Rabbits


    Thank you!
  19. Gardening with Rabbits

    What kind of bush?

    Thank you all. I will check it when spring comes and see what it looks like. I hope it made it through winter. It did transplant okay and lived through the summer.
  20. Gardening with Rabbits


    Thank you about Blinky. My seeds are not here yet. I have a book where I write down each year dates and I usually plant around Feb. 18 and start onions. You plant green onions the same as regular onions?