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  1. BeckyFl

    Gonna start one here, so this forum don't look empty

    I love my fragrant Tiffany, the rose in my avatar.
  2. BeckyFl

    How do you compost your chicken poo?

    Yes, I'd like some ideas on this subject also. Right now I just throw it on a pile of mowed grass and dead weeds in the yard and hope for mulch. I think I may need to do more than that but I don't know what. :idunno
  3. BeckyFl

    Display zones?

    Thanks for the great site Nifty! I think it should be a permanent part of this site, maybe even part of the profile pages to help folks find their zone so they can include it in their profile.
  4. BeckyFl

    Welcome To TheEasyGarden Forum!

    :cool: I have arrived! I'm just a gardner wannabe. Hopefully I can learn enough here that my yard will no longer be a "garden of death" for plant life.