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  1. D

    GOPHER -- Someone posted about a product?

    Okay I started using the Uncle Ian's Gopher and mole replellent and it is WORKING. Tunnels are collasping and I am only getting a few new holes the past couple days. That is down from dozens prior. What I have noticed is the lack of new mounds and holes, and that the yard is collasping. So...
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    GOPHER -- Someone posted about a product?

    Thanks everyone. I have found it and just need to pick some up this weekend. I will also start chewing lots of gum and dropping it into the holes. Why not, I am really tired of collasping tunnels and filling holes. They have really gotten out of hand this year. I even stoned one to death the...
  3. D

    GOPHER -- Someone posted about a product?

    I read somewhere on here or the chicken site a product that you sprinkle on the lawn and it doesn't kill but rids the area of gophers and moles. ANYONE recall what that product is? I think it may of been something like UNCLE ?/ Thanks so very much. Dilly
  4. D

    Canning on a smooth top range?

    Nope the canner is far too heavy. I would not attempt it. Dilly
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    Trumpet vine

    Yep that is just what I wanted them for. I planted them along the fence in the woods behind one of the barns. I want it to travel up the fence and wouldn't mind if it spread int he trees. A little color over that direction will be nice. I have a neighbor that has it beside her home and they...
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    Trumpet vine

    Happy to report that the trumpet Vine cuttings I took a month ago and transplanted have taken and doing great. For about three weeks they looked dead, but I read where it takes about this long for them to go out of shock and do their thing. Which they are.:D Cannot wait to see them take over...
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    Planting zones

    HI Thanks, that is where I came up with the 7 B, seems odd for Calif. I am a tiny stretch of color that travels up through the north.
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    Planting zones

    Where can I check to see what sone I am in? LOL and not the spaced out one.
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    Gopher, Vole, Mole, something causing problems

    I have not seen the nasty little varmets, but I have seen hundreds of those holes. They are now going into areas I do not want them, so I need to rid my world of them. lol The dgos are having enough trouble with the darn Gophers. Thanks.
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    Gopher, Vole, Mole, something causing problems

    I hate them already. Nasty little buggers. Thanks for the information and pic. Anyway to get rid of them without harming my dogs?
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    Gopher, Vole, Mole, something causing problems

    Could someone tell me what a vole is? Thanks
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    Square foot gardening question

    So far I am loving it. Allot of fun as well as beneficial.
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    Square foot gardening question

    Thanks Pat, I do not really eat much iceburg anyway. I will stick to the leaf and buttercrunch. Thanks
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    Square foot gardening question

    I found it. In case anyone is curious it is four per square foot. Dilly
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    Square foot gardening question

    Hello. Can someone that is familar with square foot planter gardening tell me how many lettuce I should put per square. I am thinking of planting batavan, butterhead or crunch. I know iceburg takes up more space and If I plant some of that it will be very little. Anyone have any experience...
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    Watermelon help

    Thank you I think since they grow so slowly at first I am just impatient. I want to see more growth. Everything else is doing very well. Dilly
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    radish flowers

    Richnchicks?? where are you located. I am also in that zone.
  18. D

    Watermelon help

    I wasn't happy with the plants I had in the ground, so yesterday i dug everything up and built one foot wide by twelve foot long boxes open on bottom. I used 2x6's. I replanted the plants and today they are standing tall and look happy. Has anyone ever tried growing watermelons in riased...
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    growing fruit trees in wine barrels?

    That is what we did, plenty of drain holes. Not too many but enough. I have learned that you can grow any size not just drawf as long as you keep them pruned back. I love how they look.
  20. D

    I NEED suggestions PLease

    Thanks great ideas. DO you think a crepe myrtle would work in a half whiskey barrel? I have room for it to go about ten feet prior to hitting the porch rafters.