well, the other day i planted some watermelon seeds, they are doing awesome. My DH and I went to the Farmers Market today and got some fresh produce as well as I got some Cilantro to plant and some Peppermint to plant. they have both been planted in their own decent sized pots. I figured I...
I am thinking we are wanting to do raised beds. we have an acre and a half. but most of it is wooded currently. so we will be working with our decent size front yard and the 2 car driveway worth of dirt between our shed and garage. (its not a drive way, just a good way to explain size). I have...
I actually found this forum from the BackyardChicken forum. My DH and I were going to get chickens this past spring, but decided to hold off due to some things came up. But we are still wanting to do chickens, as well as rabbits for meat. We actually just started a compost, it is pretty small at...
I am Kelly, obviously from Oklahoma. I am married, we have 4 children between us, 2 girls and 2 boys all under 9. We currently have 4 fur babies, 1yr old great pyrenees mix, 2 rotten cats, and then we just acquired my best friends 9yr old rat terrier mix because she can no longer have him. My DH...