Thanks for the reply @so lucky . I'm in the UK at the moment, but will be moving to France to start my smallholding. I'm not sure which part of France yet though, so I'm unsure of what the climate will be like. I'll have a look for that blog, thanks. :)
I hope I've posted this in the right place.
I know next to nothing about gardening. I always thought polytunnels were for colder climates to extend the growing season. However, I have seen people using polytunnels in comparatively hot climates.
So my question is, should I or shouldn't I? What...
Ha! That's very kind of you @City farm but, unfortunately, I'm not likely to find myself in Arizona any time soon. I've only been to America once for my sister's wedding and certainly can't afford another trip at the moment. If I do ever find myself there again though I know where to come :)
I had planned on a happy medium. Letting them free range for their food but topping up with commercial food and then finishing on corn.
I'm not keen on getting the commercial meat chickens as they don't really fit with my self sufficient philosophy. I understand that they are cheaper to rear as...
I had not thought about that as a way of obtaining chickens for meat. I'll have to see if there are any commercial chicken places near me when I move and see if they'll sell me their roosters. Right, off to google commercial chicken processors in France! :D
@Smart Red 100 birds !:eek: Not sure I'll manage that many all at once even when fully self sufficient! I've got my research head well and truly on these days. All my computer time is devoted to smallholding plans, I've even got the OH (who is severely allergic to technology :rolleyes:) on...
@ninnymary That's a good question! It comes down to when our property sells. So it could be next week or next year! The sooner the better though as we're really keen to get started. I'm still learning the language but it's coming along nicely so as soon as we have the money from the sale we're...
Wow, thanks everyone. It really is great to find such a friendly and enthusiastic board :) . I've no garden to speak of at the moment but as soon as I get to France I'll be jumping in with both feet! I'm just hoping my fingers aren't quite as far from green as I suspect and I don't kill off...
Oops, you snuck in while I was typing @Ridgerunner .
I was planning on something a bit further south than Cherbourg, just because I think the only way I'll be able to get out of bed at the crack of dawn is if the sun is shining!
I'm planning on starting out with poultry - Chickens, guinea fowl...
Thank you so much @ninnymary . It certainly does seem like a friendly and active board, which is great.
I hope you are okay out there in San Francisco. Didn't you just have a big earthquake? :eek:
Hi all! :frow
Everyone here seems to be from the US, so I hope it's okay for me to join in.
I feel rather a fraud actually as I am decidedly not green fingered. However, I will soon be buying a few acres in France and starting a smallholding with a view to becoming totally self sufficient in 5...