Sorry I have been too busy to respond hay season,school and work have been keeping me busy. No that no type we planted 73 squash/zuch plants.
36 tomatos plants cherry and big reds
16 huge catalope
16 okra
80 onions
40 green beans
about 12 honeydew
and various other stuff
A before shot of my little garden
A irrigation shot of my garden
Well I don't have to worry about getting water on my garden every 14 days but I might have to worry about the water killing my garden.
hmmm maybe ill turn this into a rice garden and move my veggies. You actually cant...
I'm Actually in Anderson,California 15miles south of Redding California and 3hours North of Sacramento California.
There an Apple Orchad about 7 miles down the road near the river that where most of the deer hang out in this area.
I have been asking some questions here and didn't have no pics to share so I though I would through some up today if i can figure out how to make it work.
has any one seen a link for est yield from plants. The reason I'm asking is because I'm getting certified for the farmers market and they want me to est how much produce i can bring to the market.
I have 73 squash/zuccine and 6 white scallop plants I know last year I had 7 and I had enough...
yes I'm using a drip irrigation system also but I bought flag emitters which when they get plugged can be taken apart and cleaned according to the sales man lol... they are all 2gph. In the garden behind my house I have 14 rows x 100 ft. On the along the fence line ill most likely have 33 mounds...
Im doing a little bigger garden then I normaly do and want to set it up better. So was wondering if anyone of you might know of a website that deals with gph (gallons per hour) for veggies plants ?
I really want to set this big garden up to be more effecient where Im not drowing one item and...
I'm putting in couple different gardens this year ones 65ftx100ft foot another's is 3ftx200ft and the last is 10ftx20ft. I plan on going to the farmers market here in Northern California. I was wondering if any of you attend your local farmers market and how do you decided on your prices to...