I wish! I did however take this picture years ago while attending a photography class:) The locals around here call it the 'swayback' barn & it actually collapsed this past week :( I really wish the owners would have tried to restore it.
Thanks for the warm welcome :) I live in western Maryland not too far from the West Virginia line. We are definitely rural, but live in a small neigborhood (not in town limits). So far the winter here has been mild.
My hubby & I have decided to start raising laying hens & keep honeybees this...
Thanks for all the advice:) While we do live in a small neighborhood, we are not in town limits. Also we are the last house on a dead end street with some woods on 2 sides of the property. We only plan to have laying hens.
I hope this post is in the right place. My hubby & I would really like to raise chickens & keep a couple hives of honeybees in our backyard. We have not purchased anything yet. Does anyone here have both on their property? We want to make sure both chickens & honeybees can coexsist safely in a...