How funny that I just saw this.
I had a "volunteer" pop up with my corn and almost yanked it, thinking it was a weed... then Bam! Almost instantly it took off and got top heavy. I have 8 newbies growing on it now and had to steak it. For the weather being as it is now, im surprised
Here is a random sunflower we planted for my granddaughter. I was quite surprised how tall it got! Cant wait to cut it down and measure. It has to be at least 10ft tall. :weee
i thought I had it going on when I put 3 ft border fences around the garden, but my longhorns hopped right on them then flew down and ate the tops off my carrots and brussels, then destroyed all the baby cucs coming up. We are in process of building a bigger run so I don't need to babysit all day.
I love these black-eyed susan, but they just dont seem to keep well here. :(
I just started a hybrid blue moon that trails nicely, and doesnt take over. The firecracker also looked great last year when i had flowing over on a wall garden.
Hello friendly neighbors... from far and near.
Its not too common I find fellow members on forums from my deep south rooted territory, but none the less, I keep trying.
I'm an empty-nested mom of three, replacing my time now with my garden,9 chickens, and 2 rouen ducks. It keeps me busy enough...