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  1. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Sounds good - thanks!
  2. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    OH wow! We do live and learn, do we not?
  3. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Thank you for the input - If I'm gonna be a chicken farmer, I gotta learn to do it all :).
  4. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Yes - I have been watching these - most of what I've seen lately though are roos. But thanks.
  5. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Yes - all but one it seems - but not intentionally. Went to someone that was getting rid of all his chicks - they were in a pen with about 50 more and my friend just chased them down and grabbed them. At 4 weeks old we just couldn't tell.
  6. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    I am just over the SC border - so we might just be close enough. Email me at
  7. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Well Said :). I am not opposed to the food aspect - we are avid lovers of venison which my hubby brings home, cleans and processes. But being a "country girl" of only a few months now, and of a soft-hearted nature, I am trying to decide if it's worth it to me to grow my food or just give away...
  8. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Well my intention was to have ALL hens just for eggs. Even though I am attached to these guys I'm going to have to let them go - one way or the other! I still want my hens. I have enough space to keep several coops - we have 7 acres, so I would love to keep my ameracauna and one buff orp and...
  9. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Thanks - I have been looking at all of the "signs" - I have an ameracauna and an easter egger (that's what I was told he was) that both have very distinct signs - AND I have witnessed them crow. But the buffs are hard to tell - one day I think they are all roos and the next I'm not sure - oh...
  10. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    I have only "seen" one crow - they are in a coop with the other 3 I purchased at the same time - and I know two of those are roos. Early morn when they all start I can't see which ones are making all the racket, LOL.
  11. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Thank you ALL for your comments. I am already preparing myself for the inevitable. I have been hearing the roos crow for a few weeks - so funny - but yesterday I got to see 3 of them crow. One was my easter egger, one the ameraucana, and ONE of the buffs. They are getting a bit more aggressive...
  12. Cindy Purvis

    All My Roosters

    Hi everyone. I am new to raising chickens so I had a friend that has done it go with me to pick 6 new chicks (4 weeks old). Well I now have, I think, 5 roos, much to my chagrin. I love these guys and they all know their "mama". But they are only 4 months old and I know things may get ugly...