Praise the Lord! I finally, after a year and a half or so of looking for wood chips got a whole load from a tree cutting service which is at least 4-5 times as large as what I can fit in a trip in my hatchback. Now, I just got the hard part to do of spreading them. My soil is so soft the...
I tried the black plastic and it was pretty successful but the problem is the water that you discussed creating mosquito haven and if you try to put mulch on top then you either have to remove the mulch to get the plastic out from under it when it starts breaking down. If you use a water porous...
Haha! Yeah I wish I could set fire to all of it within about a 20 ft. radius of my garden. My general tactic has been to cover the entire area with cardboard when I'm starting a new bed and then continue expanding the cardboard in a circular fashion around the existing cardboard so that it...
Does anybody here have any more ideas on how to broadly kill persistent weeds and bermudagrass in a garden bed without spraying any chemicals. I've generally been trying folded up cardboard boxes which work decently well, but I have trouble finding enough larger boxes to cover the amount of...
I actually had a similar situation. All my potato plants were so diseased but when I dug down to look for the potatoes I actually ended up with 2x the poundage as what I planted. I don't imagine that's a good harvest to most people, but last year I only got the same poundage as I planted with...
I’m quite discouraged with the outcome of my spring garden. I had hundreds of little volunteer seedlings from the cherry tomato plant I had last year and I’ve pulled up almost all of them. I had one that grew pretty well but kept having blighted leaves and eventually I had to cut to ground...
My work schedule is such that during the early half of spring I can’t usually check things for 4 days each week so it’s difficult to catch that first plant. Plus this disease starts on the underside of the leaves, so in order to catch the first one Is probably have to search every leaf every...
The only problem with finding a sunny spot in the house is my wife isn’t a big fan of having dirt in the house with 2 toddlers running around. I might be able to find something high up to put the starts on though.
Yeah, Bt was the bacteria I was talking about. I looked for the version that kills CPB early this year before planting and could only find research articles but no products for sale.
I was looking today again for it and only found this Beauveria Bassiana fungus that is supposed to kill CPB...
Thanks for that informational handout link. I didn’t know that the insects could make the plants more vulnerable. The disease outbreaks have seemed to follow moderate to severe Colorado potato beetle attacks both years I believe. I don’t know how to control the CPB though. I tried buying a...
I’m a bit frustrated this spring again. I’ve tried a total of 8 different varieties of potatoes between this year and last and all of them have been really badly hit with alternaria alternata (black spot/brown spot) fungal disease. Last year spring was pretty dry and this spring was extremely...
That’s interesting. I’m skeptical it will pass and if it does the one with the deepest pockets still usually wins because of the cost of legal fees but it is a step in the right direction.
Well, I’m about 3/4 of the way finished with a 30’x34’ wheat straw covered garden bed. I’m hoping I don’t have problems with rodents as some of you have mentioned. I plan to cover the wheat straw at least partially with wood chips so the wheat straw doesn’t blow away and maybe won’t be as...
Hey everyone,
I planted some fall vegetables a couple weeks ago and it looks like I have some good germination rates so far. I've got peas, carrots, green beans, and spinach planted. Any tips on any of those particular vegetables? Also, I've never dealt with thinning before because my spring...
Environmentalists aren't always looking out for what is even best for the environment though. Just like you said in your previous post that controlled burns need to be allowed to happen. Who do you think influenced the policies of no controlled burns? Environmentalists.
Not sure where the fires are right now but another part of the wildfire problem in general is that a huge amount Southern California's rain gets funneled out to the ocean instead of into reservoirs and lakes that can be used to fight fires that get out of control.
Has anyone here used grass clippings as mulch? I have a predominately Bermuda grass property as well as crabgrass, fescue, wild blackberry, and other weeds. I'm wondering if I can put these type of grass clippings over the top of my wood chips or will it cause an invasion of these plants?