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  1. P

    lettuce protection

    Hello friends! How are you doing? I struggle with a very typical problem..Animals! Some vermins are coming to my garden and they destroy everything, especially lettuce. I bought butterhead lettuce from and while it was sprouting quite...
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    Sunflowers indoor? Is it possible? I love sunflowers and this is kind of question that I am thinking about last time: is it possible to grow them indoor? I found sunflowers' seeds which are 40cm in height on so they are...
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    39 Years Ago

    What a beautiful couple! I love such view. Nowadays, when I look at couples, their relationships break after a few months, years. I am so glad that you "survived" and still create a perfect couple!
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    [wanted] exotic plants

    Hello everyone! As in the title I am looking for exotic plants. It doesn't matter if you have seeds or seedlings - everything will be perfect for me! In my garden I have only kiwano, mango and lemon tree so I am open for your offerts.
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    What Temperature Your House ?

    For me the best temperature is between 65 and 70. Of course when it gets colder or warmer I change it. It depends on weather and also on season. In winter I had a situation when I had to heat it to about 80.
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    Meet Pearl, New Horse

    Wow, what an amazing horse! She is really pretty but definitely too skinny. You really need to take care of her! But for sure you will have fun!
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    Red pepper

    Hello friends! A few months ago I decided to experiment a bit and I potted up red pepper seeds. I thought that in home conditions they won't sprout, but now they are about 20 cm high. However, I totally do not know how to take care of them and if they will fruit indoor. What do you think? I...
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    New friend

    Wow, what an amazing specimen! It is the first time I hear about katydid but I need to admit that it looks pretty cool. I will be looking out for them! Hope I will notice one:)
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    Winter care

    Hello everyone! Today I am coimng to you with a problem that concern animals in winter. They are often malnourished and I see that not many people feed them. I also do not have good conditions to do it because I live in a flat on 2nd floor BUT all winter I hang there a bird feeder made of...
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    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    Hello there! Oh, today I had a very busy day but I had a moment in my garden to clean it a bit. I needed to pick up leaves in my garden and also clear out branches that left after cutting down some trees. Unfortunately, I didn't have so much time to do it all so tomorrow's day will also be...
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    the craziest plant you grew in home

    hello there! I love growing different plants in home but those crazy/tropic/strange looking/exotic are the most exciting for me! I think that the most amazing and also challanging plant I have ever grown was kiwano! Fruits looked amazing; however, unfortunately plant withered after giving them...
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    New member on the board!

    Hello everyone! I am so happy that I had an opportunity to join this community! I am 25 years old girl with a big passion to plants! Unfortunately I live in a flat so my area to grow flowers or other plants it not so big. However, I am trying to organize my space to put as many plants as I can...